Current decisions of the Operational Headquarters

09/07/20 12:33

Current decisions of the Operational Headquarters

It was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President that the situation with the spread of coronavirus in the republic has not yet improved. Approximately fifty cases of infection of citizens are registered per day. In this regard, additional preventive measures are being taken to minimize the spread of infection. Servicemen are temporarily ordered not to leave military units (we are talking about dismissals). The restriction will be dismantled when the incidence rate does not exceed 10 new cases per day. Another ban is related to visits by relatives of citizens in prison: visits will not be allowed until the Operational Headquarters special decision.

The President instructed to pay increased attention to the fulfillment of quarantine requirements in food markets. There are complaints about organization of measures to protect the population at these facilities. For example, the market has already been suspended in the village of Butory.

They spoke at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters about Medical institutions in which cases of infection of employees were detected. Dentistry in Bendery was closed for two weeks (several cases of infection were detected among the staff). Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that patients must be informed without fail where they should go in case of urgent need for a doctor's help. The psychiatric department of the republican clinical hospital, in which COVID-19 was diagnosed in patients, was also quarantined. Taking into consideration the specificity of the situation, it was decided that patients without signs of coronavirus will be sent to psychiatric hospital in Vykhvatintsy, and an infectious diseases hospital for this category of carriers of coronavirus will be deployed on the basis of the specialized department of the republican clinical hospital. There are sick people among the employees of the Tiraspol trauma center. The entire shift who had contact with the infected employee was sent to self-isolation, but the medical facility will continue to work - subject to increased security measures.

The practice of testing at home citizens with suspected COVID-19 was discussed at the meeting. Thus, more than 60 people have already collected biomaterial. All of them are in controlled self-isolation until the results of studies are obtained. It is unacceptable to test at the place of residence (location) of citizens over 65 years old, children under 7 years old, pregnant women, as well as people with pronounced COVID symptoms and are in serious condition.

The formation of unified database of citizens who have had coronavirus continues.

It was noted during the meeting of the Operational Headquarters that 5.6% of all cases of COVID-19 disease in Pridnestrovians (132 facts) were brought from abroad, 49 of them during August. In this regard, the ban on travel outside the republic for tourist purposes remains (except for cases of purchasing vouchers before September 1 of the current year).

The President asked about the situation in the education sector. All schools of the republic have started the educational process. 4 classes were quarantined in connection with the identified carriers of the infection: the study for them was organized remotely.

Pupils of 180 kindergartens are accepted. Another 10 will be opened by September 15. Nursery groups are still not functioning.

They also started studying in higher and professional educational institutions. The mask mode, both for teachers and students, is mandatory, they recalled at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about provision of medical institutions with personal protective equipment and express tests. More deliveries are expected soon. The President aimed at the timely formation of applications and replenishment of stocks. An additional payment to employees of infectious diseases hospitals is another aspect that the President focused on. Taking into account that the number of COVID hospitals is increasing, the Government should be promptly informed about the number of recipients of  additional payments in order to make the necessary adjustments to the draft budget, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted.

The next meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President is scheduled for Thursday.


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