Moldova promises not to restrict the movement of Pridnestrovian representatives

12/17/19 11:01

Moldova promises not to restrict the movement of Pridnestrovian representatives

Since 4 September such cases have been recorded

Tiraspol, December 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Moldovan side undertook to exclude the facts of unmotivated detention of Pridnestrovie representatives, the Head of the PMR's MFA, Vitaly Ignatiev commented on the results of political representatives meeting in Chisinau.

“There are facts of unmotivated detentions of Pridnestrovie representatives, representatives of the Parliament of the PMR, members of my negotiating team at the airport. We are not satisfied with the situation in which unmotivated restrictions are created for representatives of Pridnestrovie. It's unacceptable. Through exchange of letters Moldovan side undertook to exclude such facts,” Ignatiev said.

According to him, since September four cases of movement restriction of Pridnestrovie representatives have been recorded.

In September with the mediation of the OSCE an agreement was reached. According to it, Moldova undertook not to create problems for the movement of Pridnestrovian officials on its territory. According to the pilot project, Moldova also recognized the existence of such category as Pridnestrovian officials and confirmed the obligations to solve the politically motivated criminal cases against the Pridnestrovians that is the most important problem. At the same time, Republic of Moldova officials must not carry out any official or political activity on the PMR’s territory. In return, Pridnestrovie abolished the notification procedure for the RM officials who transit purely for personal purposes.


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