Ombudsmen of Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia signed Memorandum on Cooperation

10/10/19 14:27

Ombudsmen of Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia signed Memorandum on Cooperation

“Today we got a new tool for our citizens’ rights and freedoms protection,” Commissioner for Human Rights in the PMR, Vyacheslav Kossinsky said


Tiraspol, October, 10. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Pridnestrovian delegation is on an official visit to Abkhazia.

The Representative Office of Abkhazia in Pridnestrovie reports that the day before, there was a meeting PMR Supreme Council Chairman, Alexander Korshunov with the President of the Republic of Abkhazia Raul Khadzhimba.

Alexander Korshunov extended to Raul Khadzhimba congratulations from the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky on his re-election as head of state. Raul Khadzhimba, in turn, emphasized the importance of strengthening and developing cooperation between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Today, commissioners for human rights in Pridnestrovie and Abkhazia Vyacheslav Kosinsky and Asida Shakryl signed a Memorandum on Cooperation, which supplemented the document signed by the Ombudsmen in 2008.

“The Memorandum was signed in order to establish relations between the parties in the field of human rights protection. Today we have acquired a new tool for protecting of our citizens’ rights and freedoms,” Vyacheslav Kossinsky said.

“I hope that close constructive relations will be established between us that will help strengthen the mechanisms for protecting human rights. We often have to defend foreign countries citizens’ rights, therefore, such agreements help to quicker solve people’s problems,” Asida Shakryl said.


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