12/21/18 13:09


About purpose in life and continuity of generations in the newspaper "Pridnestrovie"

Valentin Nastas loved physics since the childhood, the inquisitive boyish mind strove to learn everything about how this or that device works. Repair of the iron became a usual thing. Though parents wanted the son to became a doctor, but they supported the choice of the profession. A story of the fate of the power engineering specialist was published on the website of the newspaper "Pridnestrovie".

After the 8th class, there was the direct road in Soroksky technical school of Electrification and Mechanisation of Agricultural Industry. Here the profession foundation was laid. As Valentin Evstafyevich remembers, those years formation of the young specialist was promoted by a work practice in villages of the Rybnitsky area.

The first skills of the acquired profession had to be mastered in the army, the newly made electrician served in a tank battalion.

Having tried several places of work, the beginning specialist in the Komsomol permit moved on the North. Working in the specialized construction organization "Taymyrenergostroy", Nastas was one of those who built the Norilsk metallurgical plant.

Northern conditions tempered it, showed how hard the work is. But Nastas did not look for a shortcut. And here he has found the love.

Since 1976 life of the young family is connected with Tiraspol. The professional path brought Valentin Evstafyevich on the young then enterprise – the Southeast Electrical Networks (SEN).

He still remembers the date of employment – December 2. Since then and already 42 years Nastas's fate has inseparably been linked with this enterprise.

"All these years convinced me that to work in our sphere it is necessary to love it. It is difficult and responsible, not everyone will sustain. The power does not tolerate laxity, irresponsibility because it is connected with risk. Here all is based on accurate rules and regulations", – our hero says.

Now Valentin Evstafyevich works as the Deputy Chief Engineer SUE Dnestrenergo Group, passes on rich professional experience to young colleagues and considers to share it not shameful.

"I was lucky to meet on the professional way good people about whom it is possible to tell two words – "cool experts". They helped, edified, corrected errors if necessary. It influenced my formation as a person, an expert. Now I try to pass on considerable life and professional experience to young people", – Valentin Evstafyevich says.

For these more than four decades that Valentin Nastas is in the industry, anything happened to it. In the 70-80th when he only began to write a working career, the power developed with great strides: new substations were under construction, networks and the equipment changed. Development was planned and constant.

The 90th passed all under the sign of stagnation, lack of investments. Then power engineering specialists made the real feat – they kept the potential of the energy sector.

At the beginning of the 2000th, the first sprouts of the restoration of the industry broke through. Realization of the electric power gradually grew, funds for the reconstruction of networks and the equipment appeared. And now they are not enough, but the main function – reliable and uninterrupted providing consumers with the electric power – modern Prometheus is carried out and in any conditions.

The family always adequately reacted to the father's absence during those periods when "somewhere something was interrupted". The spouse, the daughter and the son understood: such work it is. Probably, the example of the selfless service of the father influenced also the professional choice of children. So the labour Nastas dynasty of power engineering specialists was born.

"Choice of the profession by the son was based on my experience, – Valentin says. – If peers played usual toys, then I brought to Seryozha the written-off relays. When it came time to chose the profession, on family councils discussed: prestigious economic, legal? …"

But Sergey, after all, chose power – as the father. Studied in the CCGT, he graduated from the Chisinau polytechnical institute majoring in "Power supply of the industrial enterprises". There he began a working career with a basic working speciality of the industry "electrician". And what is interesting, to go to work to the father the newly made expert did not want.

… Having spent a week for job searches, Sergey nevertheless came to the enterprise where the father worked. Now Sergey Valentinovich Nastas heads the Service of Isolation and Protection Against an Overstrain. Such experts are figuratively called "diagnosticians". Their task is to check of parameters, conditions of the power equipment.

Arrival to the power of the daughter Valentine was unusual, the industry is considered by right men's. But except the main, profile specialities, there are also others which are necessary and important too.

Elena Sinkovskaya began with the technician of the Human Resources Department, now works as the Manager of the Office in the Legal and Staffing Department, got a second higher legal education. It is characterized as a competent, conscientious and executive employee.

If to put seniority of a Nastas power engineering specialists dynasty, the impressive figure will turn out. And her senior representative is sure: it will increase – two granddaughters grow up.


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