The President held a meeting of the Energy Operational Headquarters

01/10/25 11:29

The President held a meeting of the Energy Operational Headquarters

Vitaly Neagu in the course of the video conference informed the Energy Crisis Operational Headquarters members about the work of the unified information center. The hotline 0-800-22-800 received 8325 calls since its launch. 964 of them were received in the past 24 hours. One and a half thousand calls were related to the provision of firewood. Rescuers delivered 252 meters of fuel wood at the request of citizens under special state protection and went out 133 times to provide assistance in sawing and chopping 181 meters of firewood belonging to citizens. A large percentage of calls to the call center are related to issues of electricity supply – 4733 calls.

The fire service received three dozen reports of fires over 9 days of this year. Two thirds of fires occurred due to improper use of stoves and electrical equipment. There are two people who died from carbon monoxide poisoning while using a stove and one person who died from poisoning by combustion products from a gas water heater. Raids are conducted to monitor and prevent compliance with fire safety rules by citizens of the republic: 343 employees visited 4154 addresses and inspected almost three thousand heating devices.

30 heating and temporary stay points are always ready to receive citizens. 113 people used them. 85 volunteers are actively involved in the volunteer movement. The Cossacks provide assistance: every day about forty representatives of the Black Sea Cossack Army participate in providing assistance to citizens and maintaining law and order.



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