Vadim Krasnoselsky: 'The Russian presidential election is a small referendum for Pridnestrovie'

03/12/18 15:35

Vadim Krasnoselsky: 'The Russian presidential election is a small referendum for Pridnestrovie'

The head of state together with the Russian guests and thousands of Pridnestrovians took part in the opening of the civil patriotic forum "To the Future, Together with Russia", which took place in the central square of the capital
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Tiraspol, March 12. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The civil patriotic forum "To the Future, Together with Russia" has opened today in Tiraspol. Thousands of Pridnestrovians gathered in the central square of Tiraspol to show their attitude to Russia and their participation in an important event for the country - the election of the president of the Russian Federation, President Krasnoselsky noted in a conversation with journalists.  The president attended the opening ceremony of the forum together with members of the parliament and government, as well as with distinguished guests from Russia.

"The Russian presidential election is a small referendum for Pridnestrovie. People are showing their attitude to Russia, to the Russian peacekeeping mission, to Russia's assistance. Today's event confirms this," said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The head of state called on all Pridnestrovian citizens of Russia to demonstrate their civic engagement, to come to the polling stations on 18 March, which are 24 in number this year, and to make their choice.  

"The history of Pridnestrovie is inextricably linked with Russia. Since Catherine II's times, under the Russian Empire, under the Soviet Union, and during the modern Russian period, we have been walking together.  Therefore, I am calling on all Ppridnestrovians who have Russian citizenship to come and make their choice," noted Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Answering a question about the turnout in Pridnestrovie, the head of state noted that "people want to be involved in the history of the great state", so the turnout is expected to be higher than that in the 2016 State Duma elections. Back then nearly 57,000 Pridnestrovians, citizens of Russia, came to the polls.


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