Tiraspol, 31 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Supreme Council has adopted the updated law «On the citizenship of the PMR». The previous version of the law has been in force since 2002 and has shown a lack of legal regulation of the entire range of law relations that arise in the course of its implementation, reads the explanatory note. «This situation results in violations of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, since the extent of such rights, which are vested in the individual and guaranteed by the state, is directly dependent on his status as a citizen or non-citizen," the document stipulates.
The new version of the law suggests clarifying a conceptual apparatus, systematising such procedures as the acquisition and termination of citizenship, particular changes in the citizenship of children; defining the principles of citizenship; regulating procedures for the acquisition of citizenship by disabled persons and children under guardianship, etc.
The law also provides for simplified access to Pridnestrovian citizenship for foreign citizens who have made certain investments in the Pridnestrovian economy.
The original version stipulated that the simplified procedure would apply to persons who owned at least 10% of the statutory capital of a legal entity registered and operating in the PMR.
However, according to Alexander Korshunov, the Pridnestrovian legislation allows for the registration of certain categories of legal entities with a fairly low minimum amount of statutory capital, 10% of which is only 375 roubles, which he believes is insufficient for simplified access to citizenship.
As a result, an amendment has been approved to raise the minimum amount of investment to 20,000 estimated levels of minimum wages.