Russian establishment sees no reason to revise policy towards peacekeeping operation on Dniester

05/23/17 17:48

Russian establishment sees no reason to revise policy towards peacekeeping operation on Dniester

Russian Foreign Ministry's envoy Sergey Gubarev declared it during communication with the journalists following the results of the meeting with the Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatyev
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Tiraspol, May 23. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Russian Foreign Ministry's envoy Sergey Gubarev commented on the recent decision of the Moldova's Constitutional Court to declare the Russian military personnel in Pridnestrovie as the troops illegally staying in the territory of Moldova.

«There is the Russian folk saying: 'You can call me a pot, only don't put me in oven' (Br. var.: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'). We judge from the fact that Moldova is the same participant of the peacekeeping operation as Russia, Pridnestrovie and Ukraine. The mandate of the peacekeeping operation will be over when political agreements on the Pridnestrovian settlement will be implemented. At this point, we are rather far from achievement of any political arrangements, that's why the leadership of my country sees no reason to revise our policy towards the peacekeeping operation despite original decisions of the Moldova's Constitutional Court," Sergey Gubarev told.


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