Peacekeepers continue confiscating weapons and ammunition in the Security Zone

04/27/17 16:09

Peacekeepers continue confiscating weapons and ammunition in the Security Zone

Bendery, April 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. During the regular meeting of the Joint Control Commission, the sides discussed a wide scope of issues. Special attention was focused on the military command's report on the situation in the Security Zone on the previous week.

The JCC cochairman from Prdnestrovie Oleg Belyakov noted in an interview to journalists that the situation in the Zone was stable and under control of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces. Further work on confiscation of weapons and ammunition from the citizens continues.

«Last week, the population gave up a large number of ammunition and weapons. It is more than one thousand bullets, 4 grenade launchers, hand-grenades, load carrying equipment and many other things. The JCC still assess interaction between the law enforcement authorities and the peacekeeping forces as very effective," Belyakov emphasized.

At the meeting of the governing body of the peacekeeping operation, a decision to call on the population of the Security Zone to give up illegally possessed weapons, ammunition, explosives and other items forbidden in civilian circulation to the law enforcement authorities of the sides with the peacekeepers' assistance voluntarily was made.


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