Dmitry Rogozin: Russia interested in intensified contacts between Kishinev and Tiraspol

07/05/16 16:53

Dmitry Rogozin: Russia interested in intensified contacts between Kishinev and Tiraspol

Russia is interested in intensified contacts between Kishinev and Tiraspol, said Russia's vice premier, president's special envoy on Pridnestrovie, Dmitry Rogozin, opening negotiations with the Moldovan vice premier, Octavian Calmîc.

«We are interested in intensified contacts between Kishinev and Tiraspol to renew normal relations, first of all, in the economy," underscored Rogozin.

He said he intended to visit Pridnestrovie following the negotiations in Kishinev. «We'll establish contacts there, get acquainted with people. They’ll have elections soon. Tomorrow, on Wednesday, we'll return to Kishinev and exchange opinions and conclusions on the programme we've had here," he said.

Speaking about the upcoming two-day visit, Rogozin said the Russian delegation would «generally base on preparing a plan of joint actions, as was discussed», on drafting a «road map».


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