President: Social and economic agenda is a priority in negotiations with Moldova

06/19/16 11:32

President: Social and economic agenda is a priority in negotiations with Moldova

According to the Head of state, negotiators should focus on the social and economic issues and remove artificial barriers for the sake economic development
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Bendery, June 19. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. So long as Moldova and Pridnestrovie haven't approached absolute political settlement of the conflict, the negotiators have to focus on the social and economic agenda. The President of the PMR Yevgeny Shevchuk told about it to journalists.

«So long as there is no absolute political settlement, it is necessary to focus on the social and economic issues, it is necessary to unblock everything that prevents economic development, normal movement of the citizens, freights," the Head of state told during the communication with the press after the flower-laying ceremony at the Memorial of Memory and Sorrow.

At the same time, according to Yevgeny Shevchuk, improvement of living standards in Pridnestrovie should become a key principle for the resolution of social and economic problems. «They have to be solved to provide economic development in difficult economic conditions in order that people could work and earn money in their homeland and support their families. Social and economic agenda is a priority because it meets the requirements of the citizens, the economy," the President emphasized.

The head of state noted that negotiations had to be conducted in the atmosphere of trust which obviously couldn't be provided with initiation of politically motivated criminal cases against the Pridnestrovie's citizens by Moldova.

«An important priority is that the sides (Moldova in this case) mustn't take any unilateral steps aiming to aggravate the situation in Pridnestrovie. In order that there weren't any criminal prosecutions which, as we know, are taken against the staff of law enforcement and other state authorities," Yevgeny Shevchuk stated.


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