Vitaly Ignatiev: Moldova avoids interaction with Pridnestrovie

10/01/24 14:50

Vitaly Ignatiev: Moldova avoids interaction with Pridnestrovie

The parties need an adequate and fair international mediator, the head of the PMR MFA noted

Tiraspol, October 1. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie Vitaly Ignatiev welcomes the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which has declared its readiness to facilitate dialogue between Tiraspol and Chisinau. According to Ignatiev, the parties need an adequate and fair international mediator more than ever.

In an interview with RIA Novosti, he noted that the Moldovan authorities were avoiding interaction with Pridnestrovie, concentrating on non-dialogue forms of pressure.

"This stagnation, unfortunately, has been going on for many years and is becoming chronic," the head of the foreign policy department noted. - The answer to the question of why this is happening is obvious. In the end, it is not Pridnestrovie that is blocking the dialogue mechanisms, failing to fulfill its obligations, refusing to meet at the leadership level. On the contrary, for our part, we are constructive and transparent as much as possible, we are committed to communication, we put forward useful initiatives aimed at normalizing relations, for example, signing a Declaration of Commitment to Peaceful Methods of Settlement."


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