Tiraspol, 16 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The head of state, Yevgeny Shevchuk, held a meeting with the chair of the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank, Edward Kosovsky, and the minister of economic development, Dmitry Boltrushko.
The president was briefed at the meeting on the progress of an emergency working group on currency imbalance regulation. This group was formed by the president last week to develop and present specific proposals for regulating currency imbalance and stabilising the country's economy. The group comprises two representatives each from the Supreme Council, government and PRB.
The president was informed that group members had managed to reach a consensus on a number of proposed measures, while on other issues a common decision had not been made.
«The issues that received a unanimous approval are to be implemented in the near future, but this will not regulate the situation in the short term," said Dmitry Boltrushko.
The government put forth a number of measures, in the meantime, aimed to prevent food and POL deficit.
«Measures will be taken to reduce import excises and ease the requirements for goods imported without the conclusion of foreign trade agreements. In our opinion, this will facilitate to a certain extent the importation of goods by small enterprises, which can do it on their own. These measures will be valid over a short period to smooth away the crisis situation.
Following the meeting the president signed the corresponding decrees.
Thus Decrees No. 230 and No. 231 reduce import excise duties for petroleum gas oil by two times from 90 to 45 USD, for petrol from 189 to 100 USD per tonne. This decision aims to create the necessary prerequisites for reducing POL prices during the harvest season.
Decree No. 232 allows Pridnestrovie's economic entities which have performed their activities for six months without applying null-balanced statements and have no debts on payments to budgets at all levels to withdraw from their accounts foreign currency in a lump sum without signing international contracts for the procurement of material assets outside the country. In particular, it fixes an equivalent amount of 50,000 USD, but nor more than an equivalent of 600,000 USD per year, for importing petrol and gas-oil to the PMR, and an equivalent amount of 30,000 USD, but no more than 360,000 USD per year, for importing food and pharmaceutical products.