Moldavan police ransacks Pridnestrovie's policemen in Varnitsa

02/04/16 15:28

Moldavan police ransacks Pridnestrovie's policemen in Varnitsa

The incident happened about 7 o'clock in the morning today

Bendery, 4 February. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. After a regular meeting of the Joint Control Commission, the cochairman of the Pridnestrovie's delegation Oleg Belyakov informed journalists that today in the Varnitsa High Level Security Area the officers of the Moldavan police organized a provocation against the Pridnestrovie's policemen.

About 7 o'clock in the morning, the members of the Pridnestrovie's part of the Joint Operational Investigations Group left the Severny residential district and were stopped by the Moldovan police in Varnitsa which is under Moldova's jurisdiction.

"Policemen were stopped, their car was ransacked, the policemen themselves were subjected to personal search. After strenuous objection and actions of the Pridnestrovie's side, they were released," Oleg Belyakov told.

In his opinion, this event shows that provocations begin in the Security Zone.

"This incident will be a topic for the further dialogue and also within JCC. Mechanisms of the peacekeeping operation must work smoothly," Oleg Belyakov concluded.


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