Russia expresses concern over Moldova's activities within peacekeeping operation

10/15/15 17:58

Russia expresses concern over Moldova's activities within peacekeeping operation

Pridnestrovie is also concerned about these activities

The Russian delegation to the Joint Control Commission (JCC) expresses concern over the issues surrounding Russia's peace guaranteeing function in the peacekeeping process in Pridnestrovie. The situation is rather disturbing as one of the parties is furthering such state of affairs in securing the peacekeeping operation that is likely to destabilise the situation in the Security Zone and the area of conflict settlement on the whole," says the statement released by the Russian delegation to the JCC.

The Russian delegates note that in 2015 Moldova took a number of actions that directly obstruct Russia's participation in the peacekeeping mission as a guarantor state as it is stipulated in the Agreement on principles of peaceful settlement of 21 July 1992.

«In particular, there are many cases when Moldova prevents the rotation of Russian peacekeepers. This, undoubtedly, makes it difficult to accomplish tasks aimed at normalising the situation, maintaining peace, stability and order in Pridnestrovie. In this regard, it should be mentioned that in compliance with Article 2 of the 1992 Agreement the military contingents, formed of volunteers, representing the parties of this agreement, which establishes the number, status, terms of introduction and withdrawal of military contingent in and from the conflict zone, are subordinate to the Control Commission. Article 4 of the 1992 Agreement obliges both parties of the conflict to keep away from any unlawful acts towards munitions, servicemen and members of their families. The deportation of Russian servicemen, who legitimately come to the place of military service in Moldova, without giving any reason is the unlawful act as it violates the contractual liabilities taken on by both parties. In addition, these acts seriously violate agreements made and decisions taken within the JCC, and namely Clause 4 of Enclosure 1 to Protocol No. 4 of 30 July 1992. «The parties shall rotate all categories of servicemen in their detachments in compliance with the plans and requirements of the Joint Military Command in the conflict zone», says the document.

The Russian delegation specially emphasises that the mechanism proposed by Moldova and stipulated in MFAEI note No. 12885 of 12 September 2014 «On procedure of the arrival of Russian officers in Russia's peacekeeping contingent» is not a guidance document for the JCC and JMC as it has been neither discussed nor approved by the JCC and is a unilateral act of Moldova.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that Russia is strictly committed to Clause 4 of Enclosure 1 to Protocol 4 of 30 July 1992, in the period from September 2014 to October 2015 three Russian servicemen (Colonel Yefimov I.Y. on 27 September 2014, Major Zapelov M.M. on 5 May 2015, Major Kornilyev A.V. on 5 May 2015) were detained when passing passport control at Kishinev Airport. They all arrived to accomplish tasks aimed at normalising the situation, restoring law and order in Russian's peacekeeping contingent in Pridnestrovie.

«These servicemen were deported to the Russian Federation without giving any reason. And this was done despite the fact that we had warned Moldovan officials in due time about the arrival of these officers. Besides, two more servicemen (Colonel Seleznyov S.V. on 27 May 2015, Major Butenko V.V. on 30 September 2015), who came to accomplish tasks aimed at normalising the situation, restoring law and order in Russian's peacekeeping contingent in Pridnestrovie, were refused entry to Moldova without assigning any reasons," say Russian representatives. Then the document indicates regulation norms violated by Moldova. Summing up, the Russian delegation suggests that the JCC should evaluate the existing situation and express its attitude by adopting a joint statement. Pridnestrovie is also expresses concern in this regard.

In particular, Tiraspol officials point at Protocol No.1, according to which the recruitment for the Joint Peacekeeping Forces falls within the competence of the Joint Military Command. In this situation Moldova decides how many Russian servicemen will fulfil their peace guaranteeing functions in the Security Zone.

«This is what Pridnestrovie cannot accept as it may result in the disorganization of the JCC work. Russia points out that there are attempts to substitute the 1992 Agreement," notes Oleg Belyakov, Pridnestrovie's co-chair to the JCC.

It should also be noted that Moldova sees the solution to this issue in ignoring this very issue. In particular, one of Moldovan JCC members has said today that he does not see any Russian troops fulfilling peacekeeping functions in the conflict zone that is the acting head of the delegation has never known about the deployment of the OGRF in Pridnestrovie.

The Pridnestrovian delegation is also concerned that Moldova's armed forces have recently been alarmed. Taking into account this fact, aggravation in Kishinev and frequent cases of Moldovan security agents being seen armed in the Security Zone, including yesterday's incident, Pridnestrovie's leadership has taken decision to reinforce the protection of vital installations.


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