Students of Geopolitics and Regional Security international school to popularise PMR image in Russia

10/05/15 14:56

Students of Geopolitics and Regional Security international school to popularise PMR image in Russia

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The first international school Geopolitics and Regional Security closes today The last event in the school's schedule was a meeting of school participants with representatives of the Council of Young Diplomats (CYD) attached to Pridnestrovie's MFA.

The foreign ministry's employees discussed with school students, many of whom are guests of our country, security-related issues of the Black Sea region and Pridnestroive's role in geopolitical processes in the Eurasian area.

The CYD chairman, Yakov Chaikin, noted that in 25 years of Pridnestrovie's history a considerable volume of empiric geopolitical material has been accumulated. «By the example of Pridnestrovie you can study how the theory and practice of geopolitics are related in contemporary history," said the young diplomat.

He gave special consideration to the problem of «double standards», whose application is especially conspicuous in the PMR. «The policy of double standards is not just a term for Pridnestrovie, it is our reality. It is sufficient to note the development of various conflicts in Europe and compare the position Western politicians and experts take on these conflicts to their position on Pridnestrovie," underscored the CYD chairman.

«Pridnestrovie is a special region and the experience of just staying here opens up new horizons in international relations for me," Denis Utrobin, an international relations student at Sankt Petersburg State University, shared his impressions of visiting the PMR.

In the course of the dialogue, the students and council members highlighted the issue of public democracy as a crucial tool of the implementation of the state's foreign policy. According to the guests, the experience of visiting Pridnestrovie is so positive and memorable that on return to Russia they will popularise Pridnestrovie among students, thus contributing to the country's public diplomacy

According to Novosti Pridnestrovya News Agency, the 1st Pridnestrovian School Geopolitics and Regional Security held under auspices of Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University started in Tiraspol on 2 October.

Reports on geopolitics, international relations and conflict management were made by leading experts of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Pridnestrovie's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the university's professors and lecturers.


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