Main news

04/19/16 16:29
Currently, presidential elections are declared valid at more than 50% voter turnout
04/17/16 17:56
In their address they have confirmed that they will contribute to the union’s work and promote Pridnestrovian deputies' aspiration to develop integration ties
04/16/16 16:28
A constituent congress of the people's deputies' union "For Unity with Russia" took place in Tiraspol
04/15/16 17:16
According to the Head of state, the fact that Ukraine concentrated the troops at the border on Pridnestrovie in 2015 wasn't discussed widely not to spark panic
04/14/16 19:55
Meeting between the Pridnestrovie's President Yevgeny Shevchuk and Russian Deputy Prime Minister, President's envoy for Pridnestrovie Dmitry Rogozin was held in Moscow
04/14/16 14:49
From now on relevant government decrees have come into force
04/14/16 12:51
The mechanism of collecting fines for exceeding this period may also be amended
04/13/16 11:27
The Supreme Council proposes to empower the prosecutor to oversee the observance of law by the president
04/13/16 10:58
Budget of the Uniform State Social Insurance Fund is also passed
04/12/16 21:42
President Yevgeny Shevchuk has commented on statements made by individual MPs at an extraordinary Supreme Council session on 11 April 2016
04/12/16 14:45
Law enforcement authorities of the republic were ordered to investigate these issues
04/11/16 18:53
Edward Kosovsky has replied to MPs' questions about the situation in the in the foreign exchange market