Pridnestrovie's President: When there are troubles at the borders of the republic, one mustn't whip up tension inside of it

04/15/16 17:16

Pridnestrovie's President: When there are troubles at the borders of the republic, one mustn't whip up tension inside of it

According to the Head of state, the fact that Ukraine concentrated the troops at the border on Pridnestrovie in 2015 wasn't discussed widely not to spark panic

Tiraspol, April 15. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Information that Ukraine concentrated the troops at the border on Pridnestrovie in 2015 wasn't made public to prevent panic. President of the PMR Yevgeny Shevchuk declared it at the meeting with the citizens of the Grigoriopol district.

«Some people ask, why they hadn't told us about it in 2015. Because if there are some war risks, one mustn't whip up tension in the republic," the Head of state noted.

Yevgeny Shevchuk emphasized that he hadn't voiced that information earlier, because «if the President isn't a stabilizing factor but and he destabilizes the situation himself, then it won't be quiet (in the country — editor's note)».


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