
12/12/24 16:37
Heads of state administrations will manage them at the local level
06/30/16 20:43
The prime minister does not agree with the Supreme Council's assessment of the government
05/24/16 11:07
According to Dmitry Boltrushko, this year the republic will manage to reach the crisis bottom
04/13/16 12:30
Supreme Council deputies have excluded a financial amnesty from an anti-crisis package
03/24/16 21:59
The anti-crisis amendments are being debated as for their efficiency in addressing economic challenges amid reduced tax allocations to the budget
03/09/16 23:14
The minister of economic development thinks the excitement aroused around MMZ is damaging the plant’s business reputation
01/26/16 14:31
The budget deficit has made it impossible for Pridnestrovie to fight the crisis by pouring funds into the banking and industrial sectors, said the minister of economic development, Alevtina Slinchenko, on Radio 1