02/16/16 14:36
Pridnestrovie's Acting Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatyev and Special Envoy of an Acting OSCE Chairman-in-Office Cord Meier-Klodt summarized the results of the meeting in the Pridnestrovie's MFA during the interview with journalists
02/16/16 12:25
Foreign Affairs Ministry hosts a meeting between the head of the Pridnestrovie's foreign policy department Vitaly Ignatyev and the Special Envoy of the Acting OSCE Chairman-in-Office Cord Meier-Klodt
01/26/16 20:23
International Customs Day is celebrated on 26 January
12/07/15 22:10
According to the deputy foreign minister, this refers to the item stipulating that the sides should be represented by fully empowered political representatives
12/06/15 18:27
Vasily Kashirin: Only Pridnestrovians can determine fate of the republic