
01/27/22 17:25
Pridnestrovian Meridian commented on the Moldovan shipment of PMR license plates illegal detention
01/18/22 18:30
It is also allowed for such vehicles to return from Ukraine to Pridnestrovie
01/13/22 19:28
Chisinau escalated the situation with the VRP blocking
09/13/21 17:09
Diplomats discussed the current state of the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova
09/06/21 11:48
This concerns car owners returning to Pridnestrovie
08/24/21 17:43
The PMR Foreign Affairs Ministry addressed letters to the 5 + 2 format participants
06/04/21 19:10
Such actions only complicate the situation against the background of accumulated problems in the vehicle registration mechanism
03/24/21 13:08
The PMR Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that any restrictive measures in relation to cars with Pridnestrovian license plates were unacceptable
03/22/21 16:42
Interlocutors talked about the motor transport problematic as well as prospects for arranging the next meeting of the Permanent Council... in the 5+2 format
01/21/21 09:39
The first meetings of the expert (working) groups will take place this week