молдо-приднестровский конфликт

12/08/20 13:44
The head of the PMR Foreign Ministry reminded the conclusions of the 1993 independent International tribunal in Moscow
12/08/20 11:40
The PMR Foreign Minister recalled that 90.9% of Pridnestrovians spoke out against the withdrawal of Russian troops from the PMR at the 1995 referendum
12/04/20 15:19
The diplomats discussed the situation in the negotiation process between the PMR and the RM, as well as the peacekeeping operation functioning on the Dniester
12/04/20 13:12
The Russian Foreign Ministry official representative advised Stoltenberg to pay attention to the illegal US presence in Syria
12/01/20 13:52
Russian Senator, member of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, commented on the statements of the Moldovan President-elect
12/01/20 13:18
The head of the Duma committee on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Affairs believes, that only peacekeepers can be warrantors of peace
11/29/20 12:34
Sergey Chizhov emphasized that it was the Russian servicemen who are guarantors of peace on the Pridnestrovian land
11/15/20 12:54
The crowd shouts “Suitcase, train station, Russia!” and “Come on, goodbye!”
11/09/20 20:48
According to a Pridnestrovian political expert, the Republic of Moldova is showing signs of a failed state, while the Moldovan community assumes Pridnestrovians as foreigners