история Приднестровья

02/02/19 16:10
What is common between the Battle of Stalingrad and Pridnestrovie
12/27/18 15:20
In World War, I of the most prestigious Russian war this awards received more than two thousand fighters of based in Bendery division
12/24/18 10:28
PMR Constitution was adopted on December 24, 1995 by referendum
12/08/18 12:06
The day before the new Union Treaty signing in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Viskuly, on December 8, 1991, the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, as well as the Chairman of Belarus Supreme Council, concluded an agreement that eliminated the Soviet Union, and formed CIS - the Commonwealth of Independent States
11/21/18 14:15
At the Great Feast of Michaelmas, Rybnitsa celebrates 390 years from the day of its foundation, but these calculations are based on one academic error of thirty years ago
10/14/18 08:16
What you should know about the early history of the capital of Pridnestrovie
01/15/18 11:05
Field Marshal Peter Rumyantsev who played significant part in the history of Russia, was born January 15
04/19/17 17:11
The forum is devoted to the protection of the cultural heritage and multi-ethnic traditions of the republic, as well as the development of international cultural relations