история Приднестровья

11/24/20 19:15
On November 24, 1730, the greatest Russian military leader, who founded the Tiraspol fortress was born
11/02/20 12:20
The first victims of the Moldova-Pridnestrovian conflict appeared 30 years ago
10/14/20 11:42
How the city on bank of the Dniester became the administrative center, who lived in the country town and what tourists wrote about it
08/25/20 13:37
When the USSR collapse became evident, the Pridnestrovians had to fend for themselves, Anna Volkova said
08/21/20 14:22
The entrance to the underground part of the bunker was fixed. Also it was equipped the place for a museum and other rooms
06/19/20 12:10
About how several men took care of expectant mothers when gunfights raged on the streets in June 1992
03/20/20 14:29
On March 20, 1944, Soviet partisans entered the northern district center of Pridnestrovie
02/12/20 13:10
Local founded it during renovating terrace support wall
01/27/20 15:11
January 27, 1795, Tiraspol received the status of a county city
01/21/20 14:55
January 21, 1817 the governor of the Bessarabian region proposed to Emperor Alexander I to make Bendery an administrative center
01/17/20 19:46
In 1986, Bendery received the status of a historic city
01/15/20 20:08
It will be dedicated to the unification of Pridnestrovie with Russia and outstanding people of the second half of the 18th century
01/09/20 13:05
A document that laid the foundation for the formation of a multinational Pridnestrovian people was signed on January 9, 1792 (December 29, 1791 in the Julian calendar)