
01/28/16 13:49
This was said in reports of the criminal and civil judiciary panels presented at a plenary session of the Supreme Court of the PMR
01/21/16 13:22
The proposal of the social protection and labour minister has been backed by the government
01/20/16 11:34
These zones may host both existing and start up tourist companies, said the head of the tourism and small business department of the Ministry of Economic Development, Natalya Gavrilova, on Radio 1
01/14/16 16:50
According to news agency Novosti Pridnestrovya, this has been made possible thanks to the implementation of a presidential programme Alfavit
01/13/16 18:43
Today, the President has held a meeting of the Council of State
01/13/16 17:52
Andrey Bezbabchenko met with Senior Adviser of Belarus Embassy in RM Alexander Istomin
01/11/16 18:48
The Head of state held a meeting with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice
12/29/15 15:03
The analyse was made during today's meeting of the Education Ministry Board
12/24/15 13:02
At the same time Yevgeny Shevchuk noted that commercial media present information fragmentary "in the interests of certain circles"
12/24/15 11:37
This is what the president said during today's year-end press conference
12/16/15 14:16
This is what the acting education minister, Tatyana Tsivinskaya, said in an interview with journalists, commenting on the year's results
12/14/15 18:02
The construction of Ukraine's hydroelectric installations on the Dniester may lead to an ecological disaster
12/07/15 13:42
Moldova has been denied the extradition of the Pridnestrovian citizen