President has congratulated employees and veterans of health service on a professional holiday

06/17/18 10:21

President has congratulated employees and veterans of health service on a professional holiday

Tiraspol, 17 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In the text of greeting for health workers at their professional holiday president Vadim Krasnoselsky says: “Your noble and deeply humane labor couldn’t be overpriced. Every day you, without any exaggeration, save people’s lives, guard their health. You combine complete professionalism with kind and sensitive attitude to patients. You return them good state of health, support their optimism”.

The head of Pridnestrovian state has noted, that further perfecting and development of health service, provision of the widest range of medical services, including treatment-and-prophylactic measures, supply of new equipment for medical institutions, training of young specialists are important aims which must be solved without delay.

The president has thanked veterans of health service who share their rich experience to the younger generation. In addition, he has wished them good health, prosperity and new professional achievements.


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