Results of Germany's OSCE chairmanship discussed in Tiraspol in context of negotiation process between Moldova and PMR

11/30/16 13:00

Results of Germany's OSCE chairmanship discussed in Tiraspol in context of negotiation process between Moldova and PMR

The deputy foreign minister of the PMR, Dmitry Palamarchuk, held a meeting with the deputy head of the German embassy in Moldova, Florian Seitz

Tiraspol, 30 November. /Novosti Pridnestrovia/. The foreign ministry hosted a meeting between Deputy Foreign Minister of the PMR Dmitry Palamarchuk and Deputy Head of the German Embassy in Moldova Florain Seitz.

As the MFA's press service reports, the parties discussed a wide range of topical issues of mutual interest. Special attention was given to certain results of Germany's OSCE chairmanship in 2016 in the context of the negotiating process between Pridnestrovie and Moldova.

Dmitry Palamarchuk thanked the German side for active work on the track of the Moldo-Pridnestrovian settlement which resulted in the first 5+2 meeting of the «Permanent conference…» over the past two years. The diplomat also noted the confidence-building conference, which took place in Bavaria this summer, and the organisation of the visit of the OSCE chairman-in-office, Germany's federal minister of foreign affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, to Pridnestrovie.

The deputy minister expressed hope that the positive potential formed in 2016 with the direct involvement of Germany would be a basis for the continuation of substantive and productive work at various levels of the negotiation process, including in the period of the upcoming Austrian chairmanship in the OSCE. According to Dmitry Palamarchuk, the Pridnestrovian side remains committed to the importance of addressing within the «small steps tactics» the issues that directly affect the well-being of citizens.

In addition, the deputy minister emphasised the priority of intensifying the implementation of the Berlin protocol, as well as overcoming the negative implications of Moldova's unilateral steps in the area of freight rail communication through Pridnestrovie.

The parties also discussed some aspects of bilateral cooperation between Pridnestrovie and Germany in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres.


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