Russian diplomats' proposals defrost negotiation process between PMR and Moldova

07/05/16 12:11

Russian diplomats' proposals defrost negotiation process between PMR and Moldova

Commenting on a 5+2 meeting in an interview with Russia's TASS, President Yevgeny Shevchuk said that the Russian proposals are aimed at resolving the problem of politically motivated prosecution, working out an efficient mechanism of fulfilling agreements signed in the process of negotiations, as well as settling all contradictions only at the negotiating table

Tiraspol, 5 July. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Germany, presiding over the OSCE, has managed to defrost the negotiation process between Moldova and Pridnestrovie thanks to initiatives submitted by Russian diplomats. This is what Pridnestrovian President Yevgeny Shevchuk said in an interview with Russia's TASS, commenting on the meeting in the 5+2 format (Moldova, Pridnestrovie, Russia, Ukraine, OSCE and observers from the EU and the USA), which took place in Berlin on 3 June after a two-year pause.

«It is no accident that these proposals underlay nearly in full volume a protocol signed on the results of Berlin's meeting. The fact that the Russian proposals are actually aimed at neutralising the most sensitive, problematic aspects in the dialogue between Moldovan and Pridnestrovian also played a very important role. In this respect, Russia has reaffirmed it status as the most diligent and consistent participant in the negotiation process, as a guarantor state," said Yevgeny Shevchuk.

The president noted the Russian proposals were aimed at resolving the problem of politically motivated prosecution, working out an efficient mechanism of fulfilling agreements reached during negotiations, as well as settling all contradictions at the negotiating table only.

«We hope we'll be able to build up an efficient socially oriented dialogue based on the previous agreements with the involvement of international mediators. We'll do our best on our part," said the president. He noted that to defrost negotiations on Pridnestrovie, it was important that «Moldova should refuse loud statements, political ultimatums and attempts to imitate negotiations».

«I am sure that the tense situation around Pridnestroviemay may be de-escalated. This requires political will, readiness to a civilised dialogue, consistent actions, commitment to obligations," said Shevchuk.

The traditional Bavarian conference on confidence building between Kishinev and Tiraspol takes place later in July. The sides are supposed to prepare the agreed solutions from the package discussed in Berlin.

With regard to Ukraine's role in the negotiation process, Yevgeny Shevchuk noted that Ukraine brought into question its status of a mediator in the Moldo-Pridnestrovian settlement.

«Because of Ukraine's crisis, the reality has literally changed around Pridnestrovie. It has become normal for Ukrainian officials and media outlets to speak about a 'Pridnestrovian threat'. In this way Kiev has de facto changed its status from a mediator in the process of Moldo-Pridnestrovian settlement into an ally to a conflict side — Moldova," noted the president.

Since the start of the Ukrainian crisis, Russian citizens residing in Pridnestrovie have been banned from crossing the Ukrainian border. In addition, there have been problems concerning transmission of goods. The Ukrainian side has begun to dig an anti-tank ditch along the border and establish checkpoints.

«Kishinev authorities have understood this situation as a chance for realising their 'Napoleonic plans' for suffocating Pridnestrovie through sanctions, threats, blackmail and other measures," said Yevgeny Shevchuk. According to him, restrictions introduced by Kiev and Kishinev have seriously undermined the country's economic potential.

At the same time, the president expressed hope that thanks to Germany's OSCE chairmanship and the Russian proposals, the negotiation process on Pridnestrovie would be defrosted. «None of international mediators wish the escalation of the conflict, especially amid the crisis in neighbouring Ukraine. Everyone understands that unilateral restrictions will lead to the discrediting of the international negotiation format, erosion of credibility, escalation of tension," concluded Yevgeny Shevchuk.


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