The head of the PMR MFA explained how the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict can be resolved

10/18/24 12:05

The head of the PMR MFA explained how the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict can be resolved

This is possible if we take into account the situation that has developed over 30 years, Vitaly Ignatiev noted

Tiraspol, October 18. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Various officials who declare some timeframe for resolving the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict have a hard time imagining the depth and content of this conflict, noted the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR Vitaly Ignatiev in an interview with the Russian news agency Baltnews.

"Every year the gap between Pridnestrovie and Moldova is growing, this is objective," Vitaly Ignatiev said. - Moldova has abandoned its language, its history. This is also a problem. Moldova is militarizing, Moldova does not want, I repeat, to conduct direct effective dialogue and negotiations with Pridnestrovie. This is also a problem."

The fundamental clear position of the Pridnestrovian side is that the future of the PMR should be determined by the Pridnestrovian people, Vitaly Ignatyev emphasized.

"This determination should be as peaceful, transparent, non-violent as possible, and the will of the Pridnestrovian people should be taken into account by the world community when agreeing on a particular path of settlement or modality, and so on," the head of the foreign policy department clarified. - We do not see any other alternatives. It is just that any alternatives will be unviable, divorced from reality and essentially dysfunctional."

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PMR, various speculations around the Pridnestrovian settlement are shattered by reality: it is possible to talk about an adequate resolution of the conflict only if we take into account the situation that has developed over 30 years of the conflict, its historical and political foundations and take into account the opinion of the population.


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