The PMR Ministry of Agriculture held an expanded meeting

03/01/22 13:27

The PMR Ministry of Agriculture held an expanded meeting

The President heard information about the results of activities in the spheres under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The board meeting was held via videoconference. Moderator was Minister Alexander Rozenberg. His Deputy Oleg Diligul reported on the annual results of activities in the agro-industrial complex. He recalled that the department is working in accordance with the State Program for the Development of Agro-Industrial Complex. It was adopted in 2019 and is calculated until 2026. The Speaker noted that the activity of agricultural producers, the use of modern achievements in the field of agricultural science coupled with comprehensive state support made it possible to increase productivity and increase the gross harvest. Despite the consequences of the difficult 2020 and the negative impact of the specific weather conditions of 2021 during the harvest period, the grain harvest is good, it was at a high level - 645 thousand tons in the reporting year, Oleg Diligul stated. The important indicator for the economy "1 ton of grain per inhabitant" has been exceeded. 385 thousand tons of winter wheat, 185 thousand tons of corn for grain, 124 thousand tons of sunflower, 35 thousand tons of vegetables, 18.5 thousand tons of fruits, 22 thousand tons of grapes were harvested. The Speaker considers a significant increase in the indicator for the collection of potatoes - up to 8 thousand tons, to be important.

The basis of agricultural exports is grain and industrial crops. Increased attention is paid to increasing the share of fruits and vegetables and fodder legumes. An important task in this regard is the development of the reclamation complex with the expansion of the area of ​​irrigated land to 30 thousand hectares (now 23.5 thousand hectares). It was noted at the same time that the irrigation season was short and began at the end of April in the reporting year. Taking into consideration the irrigation of lands for the harvest of 2022, the volume of water supplied by the State Unitary Enterprise "Republican Irrigation Systems" in 2021 amounted to 40% of the figure for 2020. Private pumping stations provided irrigation for 2.5 thousand hectares. Funds for the development of the reclamation complex, more than 30 million rubles were allocated from the trust fund. Another 3.2 million was used to pay off accounts payable. This is Capital Investment Fund money. Two head stations and six pumping stations were overhauled. There are 57 stations in total. Maintaining a reduced cost per cubic meter of irrigation water remains a significant aspect. The state institution "Pridnestrovian irrigation systems" ceased to exist. It was replaced by the State Unitary Enterprise "ROS".

The Speaker focused on the progress in the restoration of horticulture, noting that fruit products are exported both fresh and processed. He spoke about the uprooting of decommissioned gardens. Over a thousand hectares of obsolete plantations were uprooted in 2021. More than 10 thousand hectares in total are occupied by perennials. The Redistribution Fund lists 1.3 thousand hectares. 3.7 thousand hectares are subject to uprooting. The share of orchards has decreased, vineyards, berry and nut plantations have increased within five years. Stone fruits began to prevail over pome ones in the structure of orchards. 165.86 hectares of young plantations were planted in 2021, including 116.6 hectares of orchards, 45.4 hectares of vineyards, 2.3 hectares of walnuts, and 1.56 hectares of berries. 218.62 hectares of young plantations, which entered fruiting, were put into operation.

An increase in livestock production is observed. The percentage of provision of the population with local production of pork, beef and poultry has increased. An important characteristic of the livestock industry is gross milk production. This figure increased by 38.8% or by 4 thousand tons over three years and amounted to 14.4 thousand tons in 2021. The role of state support in this direction is also great, including in the form of a payment of 1 ruble for each liter of milk. 42 organizations applied for subsidies, 30 of which are peasant farms. 12.8 million rubles were financed during the year. The commissioning of new dairy cattle breeding facilities was also noted. The livestock increased by 17.9% over the year. Subsidizing the purchase of heifers is provided. The state allocated almost 3.2 million rubles for the purchase of 245 heifers in 2021.

The speaker informed the meeting participants about the work in the field of veterinary. He called the preservation of soil fertility an important task of agrarian policy, outlining what is being done in this direction. He focused on the importance of observing the principles of crop rotation. The issue of the development of organic farming in Pridnestrovie was highlighted. Attention was paid to the fight against the spread of the ragweed weed. The speaker stopped on the topic of land inventory. He spoke about measures aimed at ensuring the rational and efficient use of land resources, recalling that the total area of ​​Pridnestrovian lands is 367.1 thousand hectares, 70% of which (264.6 thousand hectares) are agricultural.

An information note and a detailed analysis of the situation in terms of the rational use and reproduction of natural resources were presented in a report by Deputy Minister Lyudmila Pilkova. She said that 91 deposits were registered in Pridnestrovie (11 - saw limestone, 6 - siliceous rocks, cement raw materials and limestone for quarrystone and crushed stone, 45 - sand and gravel rocks, 14 - brick and tile raw materials, one each - limestone for sugar raw materials and production of lime, glass sands, lean sands). 29 fields are under development. The volume of production of sand-gravel mixture and clay increased, for other types there is a decrease in 2021. 10 disturbed lands were reclaimed at nine fields in the reporting period. The area of ​​reclaimed land has doubled - from 10.5 to 21.2 ha compared to 2020.

The speaker said that the area of ​​the forest fund of the republic is 29.7 thousand hectares. 130 hectares of forest crops were planted in 2021 to increase the forest cover: oak, ash, acacia, pine, black walnut, hybrid poplar. Lyudmila Pilkova recalled the measures to strengthen state control over the release and export of timber products. The Deputy Minister spoke about the transfer of the State Unitary Enterprise "Pridnestrovie-Forest" to a new model of activity - within the framework of the state order. Seven forest fires that occurred in the past year (4.7 ha fire area) are mentioned. This number is half in comparison with 2020. Liudmila Pilkova considers the acquisition of fire-fighting equipment, the creation and reconstruction of shelterbelts as significant aspects. A register of protective forest plantations is being created. It has already been surveyed and brought to the standard width of 4 kilometers. The Deputy Minister said that 19 recreation areas have been created in the forestry sector. The Greening of Settlements Program is mentioned. It is designed for five years 2022-2027. It is planned to plant green spaces on an area of ​​355.27 hectares. 4500 trees were planted as part of a mass action in which 1850 people, including volunteers, took part in the reporting year 2021.

Hunters are registered. 40 people in 2021 passed the minimum hunting knowledge exams. 2556 hunters in total are registered in the republic, the deputy minister said. She dwelled on measures to preserve the water resources of the republic, noting that in the reporting period 393 permits were issued for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources, 348 of which were for recreational and sport fishing. The speaker spoke about ongoing and planned activities to protect the environment, scientific and educational, educational activities. Lyudmila Pilkova considers the publication of the second edition of the Red Data Book of Pridnestrovie to be an important event. It contains information about 129 species of flora and 227 species of fauna that need special protection. Almost four hundred copies have been handed over to educational institutions.

The Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Alexander Rozenberg at the end of the reporting part of the meeting outlined the most relevant areas of the department's activities for the future. He spoke about the development of the land cadastre and the development of the reclamation complex. It was noted that the current 80% workload of functioning stations is insufficient. The minister considers that the involvement of land users should be maximum and the operation of the stations should be equal to their production capacity. Speaking about the forest fund, the minister noted that 24000 out of 30000 hectares have been planted. Planting of the forest should be activated to fill the gaps, the Head of the department aimed. As for the by-products obtained as a result of forest care, they should be effectively used, the head of the department emphasized. Regarding the places of extraction of minerals, the minister noted that the issue of further use of reclaimed lands remains open. Commenting on the topic of water conservation, Alexander Rozenberg focused on such aspects as the reduction in the capacity of the Dniester, the presence of problems with dams, the need to sanitize the river, including cleaning the bottom from silt deposits.

Representatives of the Supreme Council and the Union of Industrialists, Agrarians and Entrepreneurs spoke in the discussion part of the meeting about the established constructive cooperation with the subdivisions of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Chairman of the Government of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic focused on the measures of state support for the agricultural industry, noting their effectiveness, confirmed by the figures presented in the report. Speaking about the structures actively involved in the complex work aimed at developing the agro-industrial complex, Alexander Martynov named the Ministry of Economic Development, banking sector institutions, provided credit resources, as well as public organizations representing the interests of large, medium and small businesses. According to the PMR Government Chairman, the Ministry of Agriculture will have to revise the existing measures to support the agro-industrial complex, in order to jointly form a list of relevant and effective tools that will be used this year. It is possible to initiate new areas of state support. Alexander Martynov focused on the issues of tariff and tax policy, emphasizing that in its formation a reasonable balance of interests of the state and business should be observed.

The question of how the government would react to the change in the situation around Pridnestrovie was raised in the course of the discussion of issues related to the state of affairs in the republic's agriculture. Alexander Martynov reported on the daily holding of working meetings. The development of the situation is monitored in real time. Various departments are connected. Forecast for the development of the Pridnestrovian economy under the influence of external factors and new challenges will be prepared by Friday. Problematic aspects are analyzed, potential financial losses are calculated, support measures are being worked out.

The final speech at the meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Agriculture is the presidential one. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled his principled position that one of the most important elements of the independence of the republic is its self-sufficiency, in particular food. The President drew attention to the fact that the events taking place in the world in recent years confirm this message. The President has returned to the task he set earlier: the contents of the so-called food basket - grain, fruits and vegetables and meat and dairy products - should be produced on the territory of the republic. Pridnestrovie has all the necessary resources for this. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that there is progress in this direction, but it is still far from 100% self-sufficiency in food. Work in this vein must be continued, the President pointed out. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on such a significant, in his opinion, aspect as the development of infrastructure - not only agricultural enterprises, but also rural settlements. This is important for securing people in rural areas. Creation of jobs and provision of labor resources - these two points cannot be considered separately, the PMR President emphasized. Another area that requires further development is rural tourism.

Vadim Krasnoselsky devoted part of his speech to a prudent attitude to the country's natural resources. The President identified five main areas that require the most severe control: land, subsoil, forest, water, air. He emphasized that it is impossible to achieve the very food security that Pridnestrovians strive for without careful attitude and effective use. The President spoke about the land cadastre, which has become the talk of the town, recalling that its creation was entrusted to the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media. The Ministry of Agriculture should provide the necessary assistance. Work is already underway. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled the ban on the transfer of agricultural land for sublease.

Speaking about the development of quarries, he drew attention to the new requirements, the essence of which is as follows: one license is issued for the development of one quarry, obtaining the next one is possible only after the complete reclamation of the worked-out area. The PMR President instructed in addition the government to work out in detail the issue of expediency for the state of transferring quarries to commercial organizations. It is necessary to commensurate budget income with costs and losses, including future losses associated with the inability to effectively use the plots of land on which the quarries were located.

Forests are the object of increased attention of the country's leadership today. At the beginning of this year, the president recognized the work of the profile economy as unsatisfactory. Personnel and structural adjustments have been made. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the increased control in the field of cutting down green spaces and the export of wood, he focused on a flaw in the production of planting material within the republic. The corresponding tasks have been set.

The work on stocking reservoirs with fish was positively assessed in terms of the conservation of water resources. In the fight against poaching, the President called for the use of all available arsenal. Resumed on behalf of Vadim Krasnoselsky in 2017 the work to clean up the river will continue.

As for the development of the reclamation complex, this task has been listed as one of the priorities for several years. The President recalled that the approach to the implementation of this state program should be comprehensive. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the involvement of the Pridnestrovian industry in the process. This is another example of the self-sufficiency of the republic in solving the tasks facing it, the President noted. He paid attention to the issue of lending to farmers on preferential terms, stressing that this and other measures to support agribusiness should be justified. The priority should be entrepreneurs who productively use the assistance provided to them, increasing productivity, productivity, the number of jobs, the amount of tax deductions. Another area that the President spoke about is the state order for fruits and vegetables. With the right approach, this form of relationship between the state and business can and should be mutually beneficial, Vadim Krasnoselsky is sure.

Concluding his speech, the President noted that following the results of the past year, the Ministry of Agriculture coped with the tasks set satisfactorily. Problems and shortcomings are not of a global nature, but are basically related to the lack of professionalism of individuals, which should not cast a shadow on the team as a whole, the PMR President emphasized. He expressed confidence that there are many prospects for the development of agriculture and the environmental sector, there are opportunities for its implementation, which means that with the skillful leadership and responsible attitude of each specialist, the results will not be long in coming.


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