The President held a regular working meeting dedicated to the draft of the main financial document for next year

11/28/23 17:24

The President held a regular working meeting dedicated to the draft of the main financial document for next year

The draft budget 2024 was adopted by the PMR Supreme Council in the first reading on the 15th of November. The main parameters have been determined. The text part of the document is traditionally corrected for the second reading. Deputies prepared and discussed amendments at the level of parliamentary committees and commissions. They were discussed in the course of the meeting with the President today. The Head of the Presidential Administration, the Chairman of the Government of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the minister of the financial and economic bloc, and the heads of relevant committees of the legislature were invited to the conversation. The interlocutors exchanged opinions, gave reasons and arguments in support of or against certain initiatives. Many issues were removed from the agenda. Some questions require finalization. Considering that the discussion of this law-in-draft has been postponed to next Wednesday, there is a time lag to prepare the document for consideration in the second reading.


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