Vadim Krasnoselsky answered questions from RIA News Agency on the eve of the Day of the Bendery tragedy

06/19/23 10:09

Vadim Krasnoselsky answered questions from RIA News Agency on the eve of the Day of the Bendery tragedy

RIA News Agency: 

Pridnestrovie will celebrate the 31st anniversary of the Bendery tragedy on the 19th of June. Many politicians, experts and participants in those events say in Moldova now that, they fought against Russia here, on the Dniester in 1992 then. What do Pridnestrovians think about this? How do you assess the actions of the Moldovan authorities in the summer of 1992?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: 

I assess them unequivocally as an act of aggression against the Pridnestrovian people. There is a historical fact: Moldova treacherously attacked the peaceful city of Bendery then, on June 19, 1992. Why treacherous – because just a few days before the Moldovan Parliament adopted a resolution on the peaceful settlement of the conflict. The processes of ceasefire and disengagement of the opposing sides began. International observers worked. Fulfilling the agreements, we removed paramilitary posts around Bendery, because we really believed that Chisinau was ready for peace.

But instead, Moldova, taking advantage of the situation, attacked the city with the forces of its army and police. Hundreds of peaceful Pridnestrovians were killed and wounded during the Bendery tragedy. So far, no one in Moldova has realized this monstrous mistake. There is no legal assessment of the committed criminal acts, no one is held responsible and punished for unleashing a war against Pridnestrovie and killing its inhabitants.

I perceive all idle arguments about some kind of “war with Russia” in 1992 only as an extremely unconvincing attempt to whitewash and justify the crimes committed against the Pridnestrovian people, which cannot be justified in fact.

RIA News Agency: 

Mass media are increasingly writing about a possible escalation of the conflict thirty years after the end of hostilities on the banks of the Dniester. How do you assess such threats for Pridnestrovie today? Is there still a risk of sabotage and terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: 

Pridnestrovie is in a complex regional context, which is why the situation around the republic is constantly restless and tense. We observe various processes at the borders, we hear alarming statements and appeals that come from neighboring states. The active build-up of the military potential of the Republic of Moldova with the help of NATO and according to the standards of this bloc is of great concern: large amounts of financial assistance are allocated, weapons and armored vehicles are being supplied. All this raises questions, given the neutral status of Moldova and the fact that it is a party to the unresolved conflict with Pridnestrovie.

Nevertheless, at the moment, there is still a consensus that an armed escalation on the Dniester, a defrosting of the conflict, is a catastrophic scenario that must be avoided. There are no signs of preparations for a direct attack on Pridnestrovie now. But that doesn't mean we're not in danger. Unfortunately, the risk of new provocations is not ruled out, so I signed in May a decree extending the “yellow” level of terrorist threat for two months, until July 18. The competent authorities are vigilantly monitoring the situation on the borders with Ukraine and Moldova, as well as inside Pridnestrovie, in order to exclude any attempts of sabotage and terrorist acts.

As for the terrorist attacks in the spring and summer of last year, as well as a series of new extremely dangerous incidents, which were prevented in February-March of this year fortunately, we remain open to their joint investigation with international representatives. The main idea that we are transmitting to the world community is the need to comprehensively analyze the situation, draw conclusions and make common efforts to prevent repeated terrorist attacks against peaceful Pridnestrovie. I am deeply convinced that the readiness of the world community for such cooperation would become a powerful stabilizing factor, would cool the hotheads who are ready to give orders to organize terrorist attacks on the territory of the PMR. Unfortunately, there is no oncoming traffic yet, despite all our calls, despite the fact that not only Pridnestrovians, but also foreign citizens, including high-ranking diplomats, could suffer in these terrorist attacks.

RIA News Agency: 

Recently, you stated in the course of the meeting with the Lithuanian Ambassador, that the factor of continuing negotiations is a guarantee of the absence of aggression. However, we see that work in the 5 + 2 format is not being carried out. There have been no meetings since 2019, and representatives of Ukraine and Moldova generally talk about the uselessness of the format. What is the position of Pridnestrovie on this issue and is it possible to keep this negotiation platform?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: 

Pridnestrovie invariably supports the preservation of the international format of the "Permanent Conference..." since this mechanism has contributed to solving some of the problems in relations with Moldova over the years. This platform has many advantages: equality of the parties, democracy, clear principles and procedures that take into account previously reached agreements and give priority to socio-economic and humanitarian issues. The 5+2 format is aimed at an honest competitive negotiation process in order to find mutually acceptable solutions with international participation. This is especially in demand in the current regional and geopolitical conditions.

They have not hidden their intention to abandon this site for a long time in Kishinev, and we understand why. After all the very essence of the format contradicts approaches to imposing unilateral unfair decisions, hinders attempts, without taking into account historical and legal factors and the will of the Pridnestrovian people, to predetermine the model for the final settlement of relations between Moldova and Pridnestrovie. In addition, this negotiation mechanism implies a special role for Russia, which is a mediator and guarantor of a peaceful settlement.

Therefore, Pridnestrovie has been coming up with specific initiatives for the resumption of the 5+2 activities or holding negotiations under its auspices for a number of years. I absolutely do not consider the potential of the format exhausted, and its work is impossible in the current circumstances. All that is needed is the desire and political will to work and solve problems in the interests of people whose basic rights are now being violated for political reasons, which is unacceptable.

RIA News Agency: 

You announced a year ago the initiative on the possible signing in the 5+2 format of a document on guarantees of peace and security for Pridnestrovie. Is your offer relevant today? Whose political will is needed to make it a reality?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: 

I indeed proposed to draw up a single document on guarantees of peace and security of Pridnestrovie and that all participants in the 5 + 2 format put their signature under it last year at a meeting with Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Vitaly Tryapitsyn.

The context of this initiative related to the terrorist attacks on Pridnestrovie is well known. The security situation has not changed for the better, rather the opposite Since then. As I said, Moldova continues to receive large amounts of military assistance from abroad, increase the defense budget, conduct exercises in the immediate vicinity of the security zone in addition. Pressure on Pridnestrovie is increasing at the same time. These include a banking blockade, and restrictions on the import of medicines, medical equipment and food into the republic, and the emergence of a repressive law on separatism. It is also part of the security.

Therefore, I consider relevant today my proposal that was voiced last year. Whose political will is needed to make it a reality? First of all, this is leadership of the countries participating in the 5+2 format. Pridnestrovie has already demonstrated its will, so the rest need to confirm their peace-loving attitude, including Moldova, whose leadership has repeatedly announced its intention to resolve the conflict exclusively by peaceful means.

RIA News Agency: 

The mandate of the OSCE Mission to Moldova expires on July 1 this year. There is information about plans to limit the mandate of an international organization on the banks of the Dniester. How do you see the work of the OSCE Mission, what can it do for the settlement process?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: 

The OSCE is doing technical work, supporting those negotiating instruments that are still working. We constantly and at various levels interact with the Chairmanship-in-Office and the Mission in Chisinau, we promote the work of the members of the organization on the territory of Pridnestrovie.

Of course, we have questions about the effectiveness of the OSCE as a mediator. I would like to see more active efforts to restore the negotiation process and its platforms, primarily the 5+2 format. The OSCE has an important mediating function of convening meetings in it, by the way it was not performed in recent years, even before the start of the conflict in Ukraine. There are moments concerning the degree of objectivity of the Mission and other structures of the OSCE, the lack of a timely response to numerous gross violations of existing agreements and restrictive measures by Moldova.

The Pridnestrovian side has never opposed all the agreed negotiating principles and mechanisms, including the participation of the OSCE at the same time. We treat them with full responsibility and this is what distinguishes us from Chisinau, which regularly demands to change the format and composition of the international negotiation process, insists on the so-called transformation of the peacekeeping operation. I still hope that the OSCE will make more active efforts to bring the Moldovan side back to the negotiating table and oblige it to fulfill its earlier obligations to Pridnestrovie within the framework of the negotiation process despite the existing problems of the external factor. This is a diplomatic task of increased complexity in today's circumstances, but it is quite solvable with a real desire, professionalism and political will.


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