The yellow terrorist alert has been extended until March 20

01/16/23 10:59

The yellow terrorist alert has been extended until March 20

The corresponding decree was signed by the President of the PMR

Tiraspol, January 16. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A highly severe yellow terrorist alert has been extended for another 60 days, until March 20, 2023, inclusive. The corresponding decree was signed by the President of the PMR.

The decree comes into force on January 19.

Recall that in April and May 2022, in Pridnestrovie, the building of the Ministry of State Security, a radio and television center near the village of Mayak, Grigoriopol Region, as well as a military unit in the village of Parkany were subjected to terrorist attacks. In addition, shots were fired from the Ukrainian side in the direction of the Pridnestrovian settlement of Kolbasna. Four explosions occurred near the village of Voronkovo, Rybnitsa District, in the area of ​​the former airfield.

The building of the military commissariat in Tiraspol was also subjected to a terrorist attack - a Molotov cocktail was thrown at it. The perpetrators of this crime have been arrested. According to the investigation, the customers of the terrorist attack are persons associated with the special services of Moldova. On June 5, two explosive devices were dropped from a drone onto the territory of the vehicle fleet of the reserve unit of the peacekeeping contingent of Pridnestrovie near the village of Vladimirovka.

In connection with a series of terrorist attacks on April 26, a critical red terrorist alert was introduced in Pridnestrovie. Since May 25, the terrorist threat level has been lowered to a high, yellow one, which also provides for increased security measures in the protection of public order.


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