The situation in the energy sector was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

11/28/22 11:10

The situation in the energy sector was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

The situation in the energy sector was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky was informed that the flow of natural gas to Moldova and Pridnestrovie remains at the level of 5.7 million cubic meters per day. Our republic receives 2.3 million cubic meters daily. The Economic Development Minister Sergei Obolonik said that compliance with the established discipline of gas withdrawal, implementation of the plan of measures aimed at saving it, will make it possible to end the current month with a reserve of half a million cubic meters of gas. He said that metal was smelted at night during weekends in order to stabilize the power system. Everything went smoothly. It was decided last Friday taking into consideration the climate cooling to increase the temperature of the heating system by seven degrees – up to 57. These are standard indicators for thermal power engineering. Sergey Obolonik informed that electricity blinking was recorded in Rybnitsa on Saturday. Several thermal stations were switched off as a result. The heat supply was restored within an hour.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the water level and the activities of the HPP in Dubossary. The situation is stable now. The discharge of water has passed the peak limit. An increase in its level is not expected. Water supply from Ukraine is not expected.


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