Pridnestrovie celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Peacekeeping Forces entry

07/29/22 10:00

Pridnestrovie celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Peacekeeping Forces entry

The 29th of July is a significant date in the modern history of Pridnestrovie. Russian peacekeepers arrived in the tragic year of 1992 on this day for the republic in Tiraspol to stop the bloodshed, to ensure and protect peace on the banks of the Dniester. The success of the peacekeeping operation carried out then is undeniable. The effectiveness of the mission over the next three decades is beyond doubt. Pridnestrovians honor the military contingent of the peacekeeping forces annually on the 29th of July. Festive events were organized in the current anniversary year. The solemn flower-laying ceremony at the “Blessed are the Peacemakers” Peace Arch was opened. The symbolic construction was built in 2017 in the village of Parkany, on the road leading from Bendery to Tiraspol. Thus, Pridnestrovie became part of the “Road of Peace” project launched in the North Caucasus in the late 80s of the last century, which united the once “hot spots”.

It was crowded near the arch in Parkany today, made in the form of the wings of an angel protecting the Pridnestrovian land. The leadership of the country, cities and regions of the republic, state authorities and administration, foreign guests, members of the joint control commission, military personnel, pupils of Suvorov military college, Yunarmiya (Young army), representatives of public organizations and the clergy left flowers under the bell located inside the arch as an Orthodox amulet. Its ringing reminded the fact that the peacekeepers are on guard of the peace and security of the inhabitants of Pridnestrovie. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky laid a basket at the base of the monument on behalf of the entire Pridnestrovian people.

Celebrations at the "Dove of Peace" monument, installed in Bendery exactly 10 years ago on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the peacekeeping operation, continued. The memorial sign was created at the expense of the city residents. The "Dove of Peace"  "comes to life" on significant dates for Bendery and the republic as a whole, thanks to a scattering of flowers at the pedestal of the monument.

The participants of the solemn event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the entry of peacekeepers into Pridnestrovie visited the Bendery Memorial of Memory and Sorrow. Together with the PMR President, First President of the PMR Igor Smirnov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Moldova Oleg Vasnetsov, co-chairs of the Joint Control Commission Oleg Belyakov (PMR) and Alexander Andreev (RF) laid flowers today at the main objects of the memorial complex.

The Alley of Peacekeepers in Bendery is another point of today's official events. The monument to the Warrior-Peacemaker of the joint peacekeeping forces was built here in 2017. Flowers lay down to its pedestal - a symbol of unfading gratitude.


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