
07/04/22 17:33
The more serious the situation around us is, the more we must talk about peace and make decisions to preserve peace, the President believes

Приднестровский депутат: Мы – мирный народ

Приднестровский артист: Мы готовы протянуть руку помощи всем нуждающимся

05/31/22 12:12
Tiraspol, May 31/ Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Actor of the Aronetskaya Pridnestrovian State Theater of Drama and Comedy Alexander Bondarenko believes that neighboring countries have no reason to fear Pridnestrovie.
05/24/22 20:00
Vadim Krasnoselsky urged to resolve issues based on agreements, and not through military aggression and blockades
10/10/19 18:25
The PMR Supreme Council Chairman’s Advisor Ekaterina Kulyanitsa became the Ambassador of Peace