The agro-industrial complex objects of Grigoriopol region in the focus of attention of the President

07/27/22 14:33

The agro-industrial complex objects of Grigoriopol region in the focus of attention of the President

The President, accompanied by the Head of the Grigoriopol administration, visited a number of objects of the agro-industrial complex. The state of affairs in the agricultural sector was discussed. Grigoriopol district is agricultural. 56441 hectares out of the 60.5 thousand hectares of agricultural land are arable land, 1315 hectares are occupied by perennial plantations. Outdated gardens are uprooted. More than hundred hectares of non-fruitful plantings have been eliminated during six months of 2022. Almost 40 hectares were revived with new plantings. Increased attention is paid to controlled irrigation taking into consideration the crop-growing specifics of the region. Land users actively include their objects in the reclamation complex. One of the largest water intake facilities of the republic operates in the region. "Tashlyk" head pumping station of the Grigoriopol branch of the State Unitary Enterprise "Pridnestrovian Irrigation Systems" is not a new construction. The object was gradually created in the 70-80s of the last century. The station has eight pumps. The water intake unit consists of two wells. The units are in working order. They were modernized thanks to the participation in the development program of the reclamation complex of the Elektromash plant of Tiraspol, which took over the manufacture, installation and maintenance of specialized equipment. Head of the station Ivan Botya said that the season with the use of updated equipment is going well, there are no questions about the quality of locally produced units. He emphasized that Elektromash is a reliable partner. Ivan Botya noted that there are 6749 hectares of intensively irrigated land in the irrigation zone now. Preparatory work is underway to include new areas in the irrigation system. They plan next season to cover 12000 hectares with reclamation. There is room for further expansion. The design suspended area is 17675 ha. Among the operating water users of the station are CJSC "Tiraspolsky combine of grain products" (under reclamation of 2572 hectares), LLC "Agrikol" (1304 hectares of irrigated land), peasant farming of Grigoriopol (1122 hectares).

An example of a successful agribusiness that actively uses land reclamation is the peasant farm of the Kirzhoy couple. The inhabitants of Malaesti, Vasily and Lyudmila, have about 86 hectares of land in common use. The Kirzhoys are experienced certified farmers. They studied together at the state farm-technical school, started working in the agricultural industry in 1982, and organized their own business in 2007. Entrepreneurs are engaged in crop production. They know for sure that success in this matter cannot be achieved without irrigation. At one time, they restored the irrigation system on their own. Talking with the President, they thanked for the opportunity to develop land reclamation and the affordable cost of irrigation water. They grow corn, gourds and vegetables - tomatoes, onions, carrots, beets, sweet peppers, eggplants, potatoes and cabbage. Thanks to irrigation, the harvest is good even in this dry year, the agrarians told the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky examined the vegetable fields. He noticed an unusual variety of eggplant. The variety includes "Queen Margot", produced by a local research institute. Ball-shaped eggplant is grown here for the fourth year, gradually increasing the volume. The products are in demand due to their peculiarity – a minimum of seeds, Vasily Kirzhoy explained, noting that his farm is attentive to consumer preferences and monitors varietal novelties. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about sales. The products are sold in the markets of the republic, they are required to participate in agricultural fairs. You can find on sale peppers, eggplants, beets, carrots, watermelons and melons grown by the collective of the peasant farm now. Lyudmila Kirzhoy noted that consumers know the products and appreciate them for their quality and safety. She said that she personally cultivates seedlings in a home greenhouse. Approximately ten people are involved in the farm on a permanent basis; the team is doubled during the planting season.

The peasant farm of Vasily Kirzhoy is one of 34 peasant farms of the Grigoriopol region that have taken up the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. It was noted during the field meeting that two local agricultural organizations are involved in this sub-sector. 549 peasant farms and 58 agricultural firms are registered in the region in total.


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