Industrial output exceeded 15 billion rubles in the PMR

12/20/21 19:02

Industrial output exceeded 15 billion rubles in the PMR

More than two-thirds of all industrial output was provided by ferrous metallurgy and electric power industry

Tiraspol, December 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The industrial output reached 15.2 billion rubles in Pridnestrovie for 11 months of this year. This is 1.4 times higher than the level of January-November 2020. At the same time, the volume of production also increased in real terms by 10.7%. 

As noted in the PMR Ministry of Economic Development analytical report on the results of November, positive dynamics are still observed in most industrial sectors.

Production in 2021 has already approached 6.4 billion rubles in ferrous metallurgy, in the electric power industry it has exceeded 4 billion.

November was favorable for the food industry, building materials industry, electrical, chemical, as well as flour and cereal making industry.

More vegetable oil, dumplings, canned vegetables, smoked fish, cakes, and pastries were produced in the food industry, compared to the level of a year ago.

Light industry enterprises operated in substantially the same way in November as in October. According to the results of 11 months, an increase in this industry is noted in the production of finished cotton fabrics, footwear, clothing, and textile products.


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