The President Krasnoselsky gave an interview to the Parlamentskaya Gazeta

11/10/21 10:05

The President Krasnoselsky gave an interview to the Parlamentskaya Gazeta

The visit of the President Vadim Krasnoselsky to Moscow continues. Today the PMR President gave an interview to the Parlamentskaya Gazeta. The President was asked about the situation in the negotiations with Moldova, the problems our citizens face in this regard. These are restrictions on freedom of movement, economic activity, problems in the telecommunications and communications, banking. Another question for Vadim Krasnoselsky is when the meeting in the “5 + 2” format will take place. The President noted that such a meeting was supposed to take place in early November, it was postponed twice on the initiative of the Moldovan side, now it has been postponed indefinitely. Meanwhile, the stagnation in the negotiations continues, Moldova does not fulfill the signed agreements.

They also talked about how the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation were held in Pridnestrovie, about the meetings that took place and are planned by the President in Moscow. The situation with the coronavirus in Pridnestrovie was discussed. They focused on the topics of a common history with Russia and the development of our tourism.



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