The President held a meeting with the leadership of the Black Sea Cossack Army

09/09/21 14:44

The President held a meeting with the leadership of the Black Sea Cossack Army

The President met with representatives of the Pridnestrovian Cossacks in the conference room of the House of Official Receptions of the Administration of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The event is of informational and discussion nature. Atamans are invited to the conversation – the military of the Black Sea Cossack Army and the regional Cossack districts, as well as the heads of state authorities and administration. They talked about the activities of the Black Sea Cossack Army – assistance in protecting the state border of the PMR, ensuring security, preserving the territorial integrity and defense of the country, military-patriotic education, organizing mass cultural and sports events, interaction with Cossack organizations of other states, cooperation with educational institutions.

It was noted that the annual action plan in 2020 approved by the Military Board of the Black Sea Cossack Army was not fully implemented. This is due to pandemic restrictions. The mobilization and verification training of the Cossack reservists took place, said the military chieftain Igor Nebeigolova at the same time. He also informed about other events, in which representatives of the Cossacks took an active part in 2020-2021: the celebration of the 55th Podolsk Infantry Regiment and the Military Parade on the Republic Day recently. One of the questions addressed to the President during the conversation was connected with the participation of the Cossacks in the parade. It was about the fact that representatives of the Black Sea Cossack Army were forced to take leave at their place of work to prepare for this important event. The current legislation does not allow employers to delegate Cossack employees to prepare for military parade while retaining their wages. The following solution was found during the discussion: these citizens will be officially called up for military training – with the payment of appropriate salary for the period of preparations for the parade of events.

Various ideas, proposals and requests were voiced in the course of the meeting – both of public and private nature. Among the initiatives discussed by the interlocutors was the creation of the ethno-cultural complex "Cossack kosh". The idea is old. Today the ataman of Tiraspol spoke about its practical implementation. He outlined the essence of the project - the creation on the territory of Pridnestrovie of a Cossack settlement in its historical embodiment. The initiators see the object as significant both for the preservation and development of the Cossack culture and for attracting tourists to the country. A spacious themed location should include administrative, residential and outbuildings. It is assumed that Cossacks will live on this territory on a permanent basis, who will receive guests-visitors, giving them the opportunity to plunge into the Cossack life for a while. The level of integration and the depth of engagement – is at the request of the guest. Programs of pastime will be thought out - for both adults and children, individual and family, which will allow temporary settlers to change their way of life, type of activity, environment for a certain period. Vadim Krasnoselsky found the idea as such interesting and considers it implemented. We need a specific project, the President noted, stressing that it is important to choose the right location for the Large Cossack Association, think over all the details, and calculate the estimated costs.

Arrangement of historical and spiritual center on the territory of the Tiraspol fortress was another proposal voiced today. It is assumed that the complex, which will include the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church (the military church of the Black Sea Cossack Army), fraternal burials and a museum in the powder magazine of the bastion of St. Vladimir, will eventually acquire the status of a historical and cultural object and will be included in tourist routes in Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that it is necessary to complete the exhumation and burial of the remains of the victims of political repression who were shot on the designated territory. The exposition telling about the history of Tiraspol will eventually be transferred from the powder magazine to the Pridnestrovian State Museum (the future “museum quarter” in the center of the capital). The vacated areas will be occupied by exhibits telling about the years of repression and about the Pridnestrovian Cossacks, which also underwent persecution in their time. The landscaping of the complex will continue. The object should remain accessible for visiting by everyone, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, stressing that this site cannot be a classic leisure zone from the point of view of moral and ethical standards. Orthodox canons have already been observed here: those who were shot find rest, the church has been built on the site of the mass death of citizens.

They spoke at the meeting about the creative team "Cheryomushka" of the House of Culture in the Katerinovka village (Kamensky District). Taking into account the composition and peculiarity of the artists repertoire preferences, it was proposed to name it “Cossack”. Vadim Krasnoselsky supported the initiative.

They mentioned during the conversation the festival of the Cossack culture of the Black Sea Cossack army planned to be held on October 2 this year on the territory of the Bendery fortress. The schedule includes a ceremonial gathering dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the revival of the Black Sea Cossack Army. The date is the 17th of December, 2021. Preparations are underway for both events. Whether they will take place and in what format depends primarily on the epidemiological situation.

Cossacks asked the country's leader about domestic and foreign policy. They discussed the tasks set by the state for the Black Sea Cossack Army. Plans for further work were outlined. The President emphasized that the Cossacks are the defenders of the country, and close interaction and direct contact with representatives of the Black Sea Cossack Army is extremely important for him.


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