Incident with Pridnestrovian frontier guard’s shellfire to considered at JCC meeting

06/17/21 20:15

Incident with Pridnestrovian frontier guard’s shellfire to considered at JCC meeting

At the moment the incident is being investigated

Tiraspol, June 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Six reports of the joint military command were adopted at the Joint Control Commission meeting. According to Oleg Belyakov, the co-chairman of the JCC from Pridnestrovie, the peacekeeping operation governing authority working has returned to normal. Earlier, the JCC meetings were disrupted due to the Moldovan representatives’ attempts to include political issues in the agenda.

“We were able to consider seven reports of the joint military command today. Six of which were taken into account by us. It means, we recognize that the situation in the Security Zone is controlled, managed and is being monitored by the joint peacekeeping forces,” Oleg Belyakov said.

One report was rescheduled for the next JCC meeting, which concerns the May 2 incident. Unknown assailants fired on the Pridnestrovian border guard’s car. Proceedings are being carried out.


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