Statement by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on measures to support Russian citizens and compatriots in Pridnestrovie

06/16/21 15:14

Statement by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on measures to support Russian citizens and compatriots in Pridnestrovie

Statement of the State Duma of the Russian Federation “On the plans and actions of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine leading to the disruption of the Pridnestrovian conflict settlement, and measures to support the citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian compatriots in Pridnestrovie”.

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation expresses deep concern over the complication of the situation around Pridnestrovie, which directly affects the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian compatriots living there and threatens their security and well-being.

The internal political crisis that arose during the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova in 2020, accompanied by open interference from Romania, the United States and other Western countries, has not been resolved and is getting worse as the early parliamentary elections on July 11, 2021 approach. The political forces supporting Moldovan President M. Sandu use every opportunity to strengthen the blockade of Pridnestrovie and the negotiation process, to destroy the positive mechanism of the peacekeeping operation in the region.

The Ukrainian authorities play an unseemly role in aggravating the conflict and strangling Pridnestrovie. The first official visit of the elected President of Moldova to Ukraine on January 12, 2021 was dedicated to the coordination of actions between Kiev and Chisinau. Particularly alarming is the prospect of discontinuing transport communication and supplying the population of Pridnestrovie, which, despite the international obligations assumed, Moldova and Ukraine are jointly moving towards. From September 1, 2021, they intend to block border crossings in the region for cars with Pridnestrovian license plates, which will make it impossible for over 100 thousand car owners in Pridnestrovie to travel. Earlier, from July 11, 2021, Moldova, by agreement with Ukraine, plans to introduce a full-scale joint customs and border control at the only checkpoint for Pridnestrovie Kuchurgan on the Ukrainian side. This threatens to sharply limit the foreign economic activity of Pridnestrovie, including the supply of medicines and medical products, food and others. Despite the coronavirus pandemic and under the pretext of combating it, measures for the long-term closure of border checkpoints with Pridnestrovie have already been taken in the spring of 2021.

The blocking of bank and correspondent accounts of Pridnestrovian enterprises in commercial banks of the Republic of Moldova remains an acute problem for Pridnestrovie. Numerous pensioners, citizens of the Russian Federation, who are unable to use their personal accounts and bank cards on the territory of Pridnestrovie, are also experiencing difficulties.

Deputies of the State Duma take the joint plans of the Moldovan and Ukrainian authorities, calls for breaking the current format of the peacekeeping operation as a threat to peace and stability, to the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian compatriots in the region.

The State Duma is convinced that the aggravation of the conflict in no way meets either the declared goals of a peaceful settlement, or the prospects of the Republic of Moldova as an autonomous and independent state. It should be clear to everyone that the Russian Federation, as the guarantor of the settlement of the Pridnestrovian conflict, peace and tranquility on the banks of the Dniester, will not allow its citizens and compatriots to be brought to their knees.

The State Duma considers unacceptable any destructive and irresponsible statements and actions of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine aimed at undermining the current format of the peacekeeping operation, condemns the use of blockade and restrictive measures against Pridnestrovie and declares the need to unblock the negotiation process on the settlement of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict at all levels as soon as possible, and especially at the Permanent Meeting on political issues in the framework of the negotiation process on the Pridnestrovian settlement in the 5 + 2 format. The State Duma draws attention to the inadmissibility of using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to increase political and socio-economic pressure on the Pridnestrovian population.

The State Duma calls on the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to strictly implement all previously reached agreements, as well as to implement the provisions of the Berlin, Vienna and Rome minutes of the 5 + 2 format meetings as soon as possible.

The State Duma calls on the Ukrainian authorities to follow Ukraine's obligations imposed by the status of guarantor and mediator in the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova, not to resort to pressure on any of the parties to the conflict, and also to assist in resolving problematic issues exclusively at the negotiating table.

The State Duma appeals to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to intensify the practical implementation of all previously signed interdepartmental agreements with Pridnestrovie, to assist the region in combating the coronavirus pandemic by transferring an adequate amount of antiviral vaccine, test systems, equipment and consulting medical personnel. The Deputies of the State Duma appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to consider the possibility of determining a special regime for the access of products manufactured in Pridnestrovie to the Russian market, including in terms of certification, licensing, and customs procedures.

The State Duma stresses the need for humanitarian support for citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian compatriots living in Pridnestrovie. Deputies of the State Duma appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request, in cooperation with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to work out a set of measures aimed at improving the mechanism of pension provision for citizens of the Russian Federation living in Pridnestrovie. The State Duma also proceeds from the urgent need to create conditions for the use of maternity capital funds by citizens of the Russian Federation on the territory of Pridnestrovie. The State Duma deputies recommend that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ensure the possibility of connecting Pridnestrovie to the Mir payment system to ensure social guarantees for the citizens of the Russian Federation living in the region.

In the opinion of the Deputies of the State Duma, these and other measures of the Russian Federation are capable of positively influencing the situation in the region, which is currently causing for increasing concern.


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