The President visited with inspection the Center for Mother and Child in Bendery

03/26/21 18:08

The President visited with inspection the Center for Mother and Child in Bendery

The builders and the staff of the hospital in Bendery work in parallel. The premises of the medical facility are being re-equipped for the needs of the coronavirus hospital. The hospital is large, but its buildings were not adapted to receive and treat carriers of the virus. The departments must be divided into zones - red (for infected citizens), yellow (for those awaiting diagnosis) and green (the so-called clean areas for staff rest). The plans and layouts were drawn directly on the spot, bypassing the premises, Andrei Guranda, the Head physician of the Mother and Child Center in Bendery, told the President. A significant amount of work has already been done. The city administration renders significant assistance. The Head of the town Roman Ivanchenko together with the Head of the hospital personally supervise the redevelopment and arrangement. The Head of the town informed the President about the provision of the institution with hot water supply, the arrangement of showers for doctors and patients. Electrical equipment was replaced. The number of sockets has been increased. Several previously idle elevators were launched. The future hospital is provided with a centralized oxygen supply system. In addition, seriously ill patients will be hospitalized in one of the departments, each ward is provided with oxygen. The rest of the departments have their own oxygen supply point. The town provided the oxygen cylinders. Now there are 83 units in stock. The local administration will also help with tripods. The Ministry of Health has allocated nine units. Odema has sewn protective overalls. Bedding is in abundance: in addition to the available ones, 300 sets will be used, transferred from the Suvorov School and the Republican Cadet Corps. Artificial ventilation devices and other equipment units are in sufficient quantity. There is a digital x-ray. The hospital will provide meals for patients and staff on its own - additional contracts are concluded with suppliers. A stock of personal protective equipment, disinfectants and anti-coronavirus drugs has been formed.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked his interlocutors about the staffing of the new hospital. According to Andrei Guranda, local staff will be involved as well as therapists of the polyclinic service, specializing in the treatment of adult patients. So far, five specialists have been sent on missions. Further - as the hospital is launched in stages. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the need to protect retirement age employees from work during the operation of the hospital as an infectious diseases hospital.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service has already visited the facility. Permission was given to begin admitting patients. The first - these are children - have already arrived at the hospital. Young carriers of the virus from Tiraspol and Bendery will be admitted. This is the first step. Then - according to the situation.

Examining the premises, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that they are all spacious, light and warm. By order of the President, all medical and preventive institutions of the republic will be heated until the onset of steady heat on the street. The President talked to the staff of the medical facility. Doctors are ready for a new format of work. Vadim Krasnoselsky aimed them at ensuring their own safety, on the observance of which the safety of patients depends.


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