The President visited Kamenka

02/18/21 18:27

The President visited Kamenka

The visit to the northernmost region of the republic completed the presidential inspection detour. In the first half of the day, The Head of the Administration of Kamenka reported on the results of last year's work. The discussion that began in the videoconference mode continued directly in Kamenka after discussing the announced information and setting goals for the current year. A cabinet conversation took place at the presidential executive office. The Head of State Administration of Kamenka districti and Kamenka Vladimir Bychkov and the chairman of the city council Oleg Kisnichan took part in the meeting initiated by Vadim Krasnoselsky. Then the interlocutors visited socially significant objects - already repaired at the expense of the Capital Investment Fund or awaiting funding, including under this state program.

The social and cultural complex located in the village of Krasny Oktyabr the repair of which is urgent is among the top priorities. There is an elementary school (more than two dozen students in grades 1-4), a library and a village administration here under one roof. The building needs reconstruction. Premises, facade, roof need repair. The object was not included in this year's capital investment program. The President allocated funds for the first stage of work - installation of a metal-tile roof. The rest will be done later - within the framework of Capital Investment Fund 2022 and, possibly, at the expense of other available sources. The Head of the village Anatoly Olar in a conversation with Vadim Krasnoselsky outlined the urgent need to purchase a refrigerator and a washing machine for the complex. Vadim Krasnoselsky promised to help. The Head of the village noted that Red October, one of the most beautiful villages in the republic will celebrate its centenary in 2024 and expressed hope that by this date the socially significant object will be completely transformed.

The participants of the retreat visited the Park named after Wittgenstein, the founder of Kamenka. It is not the first year that we have been talking about the need to revive the park zone, once known far beyond the borders of the region for its beauty and well-groomed. Vadim Krasnoselsky personally visited this facility more than once, supervised the design work, and gave practical recommendations. The facility is financed from the Capital Investment Fund. 2,6 million rubles were allocated in 2020. The funds went to the construction of an entrance arch and fencing, paving of sidewalks, installation of a children's playground, and organization of a water supply network for park lakes. Work in these and other areas will continue. The planned investments for this year are 7 million rubles. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that a lot of money is allocated: their development should be strictly targeted, operational and productive. The President drew attention to the need to diversify the equipment of sports and entertainment zones, equip a rollerdrome, and update attractions. Special attention is given to lakes, landscaping and lighting.

Healthcare remains one of the priorities of the Capital Investment Fund program. The presidential inspection arrived at the Central Regional Hospital in Kamenka. The entrance to the clinic was examined. The entrance lobby was reconstructed last year on the urgent recommendation of the President. A canopy and ramps appeared. The paths leading to the medical facility were paved. The plans for this year are the replacement of window blocks. 900 thousand rubles were allocated from the Capital Investment Fund for these purposes. The infrastructural transformation of the polyclinic will not end there. Gradually, it will be necessary to update the internal communication networks, repair the admission department and other premises of the polyclinic. These are plans for 2022. As for the near future: it is necessary to urgently install a ramp at the entrance to the premises of the ambulance service. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the approach to renewing the social infrastructure should be comprehensive. At the same time, the President emphasized that there are aspects that do not require large investments of forces and funds, but are extremely important for citizens. The ramps are a prime example of this. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers that the situation when patients are forced to be carried from ambulances to the emergency room in their arms is unacceptable.

Another medical facility, which is not the first time the President visits, is the outpatient clinic in the village of Yantarnoye. More than 650 thousand rubles were allocated to bring it into proper condition last year. Not all funds have been spent. The renovation continues this year. It is necessary to complete the interior decoration of the premises and improve the territory (300 thousand rubles are additionally allocated for paving). The medical and obstetric centre should be completely renewed by September 1, the President pointed out. Post office will be located in the building of the medical facility at the request of the residents of Yantarny.

Houses of culture, both urban and in rural areas, which have not known renovation for decades, are being reconstructed throughout the republic. The President examined several recreation centers being in Kamenka district. The House of Culture in Kamenka has already changed outwardly. The changes were appreciated not only by residents, but also by guests of the city. For the allocated 1,1 million rubles, the facade was put in order, the roof was replaced, as well as the windows and doors of the hall of the institution. Renovations inside the building will continue. The local administration has a million rubles at its disposal. Examining the premises, the President recommended preserving and restoring the wall frescoes during the renovation work.

There is a stadium next to the district recreation center. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the need to put the fans' stands in order and replace the covering of the running tracks.

Vadim Krasnoselsky this time included the villages of Katerinovka and Podoima, Kamenka district, in the tour schedule from the rural houses of culture. The object in Katerinovka has been reconstructed. Repair work was carried out with a total cost of more than 2.2 million rubles in 2019. The facade of the building has changed, the premises have been overhauled, electrical work has been carried out, the boiler room has been supplied with gas. There is an outdoor toilet and a fence outside. Almost a million was spent on equipment in 2020. Musical equipment, theater chairs and headsets, carpets and furnishings were purchased. The House of Culture is ready to receive groups and spectators, but there are plans for further improvement. The President was told that in the future they dream of acquiring recording equipment and specialized lighting devices (searchlights). The President noted that he would provide assistance if possible.

Work in the recreation center of the village of Podyma is still ongoing. The first thing the President drew attention to upon entering the room was the low temperature regime. Although the heating system was being renovated in 2019. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to find out the reasons and establish a full-fledged heat supply. The premises of the House of Culture were renovated last year under the capital investment program. They spent 813 thousand rubles. The rooms intended to house the library and the exposition of Moldovan culture and life in the style of "Casa Mare", a dance hall, classrooms for club classes, administrative premises, and hygiene rooms have been put in order. The institution is provided with water supply. This year, the roof and facade of the building are to be renewed. There are two groups - an adult and a child in the House of Culture now. The interest of local residents to the recreation center was increased after the reconstruction. There are ideas about organizing collective art classes and opening a sewing section, and it is important that representatives of different generations are planned to be involved - the elders will pass on their experience to the younger ones. Another request from the villagers is to place a hairdresser's on the site of the Palace of Culture. Thus, the institution will confirm its status not only as a cultural, but also a community center of the village. The President welcomes this comprehensive approach. According to him, the basic principle of the formation of the infrastructure of settlements should be convenience for residents. If mother can visit the library or take time out at the hairdresser's during the child's classes, this is only advantage, noted Vadim Krasnoselsky. The compactness of the placement of diverse objects, unless, of course, we are not talking about unjustified crowding, is a positive aspect, the President is sure. At the same time, the Head of State insists, it is important that such decisions are made based on the opinion of local residents.


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