The President took part in a large reporting and election gathering of the Black Sea Cossack Host

02/13/21 15:08

The President took part in a large reporting and election gathering of the Black Sea Cossack Host

The Cossacks elect an ataman once every three years in the course of the large military gathering. The Black Sea Cossacks have been headed by Major General Igor Nebeigolova since 2012. The Cossacks again unanimously trusted him this year.

The ataman before proceeding to the elective part of the meeting, summed up the results of the activities of the Black Sea Cossack Host over the past three years. The Black Sea Cossacks took an active part in the life of Pridnestrovie during the reporting period. The holding of checkout gathering invariably confirmed the readiness of the Cossacks, if necessary, to defend the republic. The Cossacks pay great attention to the patriotic education of young people. Festivals of Cossack culture, children's military-sports camps are held annually. Igor Nebeigolova emphasized that the preservation of history, culture, traditions and their transmission to the younger generation are the most important tasks of the Black Sea Cossacks. The Black Sea Cossacks voluntarily went to strengthen the protection of the state border of the PMR due to the threat of the spread of the pandemic in 2020. In addition, many Cossacks have joined the ranks of volunteers to assist in the fight against COVID-19.

Igor Nebeigolova said that the Black Sea Cossacks have been regularly taking military training courses since 2018. The ataman turned to the President with a request to assist in the provision of vacations for the Cossack reservists during the training camps.

The report of the ataman was unanimously supported by all members of the Cossack gathering. The President recognized the work of the ataman and military administration as satisfactory. Addressing the Cossacks present in the hall, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized the uniqueness of the Black Sea Cossack Host, noted the great contribution of the Cossacks to strengthening the defense potential of the republic. Speaking about the tasks facing the Cossacks, the President identified four spheres: protection of the borders of Pridnestrovie, continuation of the development of the culture and history of the modern Cossacks, patriotic education of youth and the support of Orthodoxy. Vadim Krasnoselsky, concluding the reporting and election event, expressed confidence that the Cossacks of the Black Sea Cossack army will continue to be loyal to their oath and will be devoted defenders and support of the state.


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