Vadim Krasnoselsky visited the Catherine Park with the working inspection

02/02/21 19:44

Vadim Krasnoselsky visited the Catherine Park with the working inspection

Соответствующее поручение дал Президент ПМР в ходе инспекционного объезда столицы

The President visited the Catherine Park in the course of the inspection of the capital. He was interested in progress in the construction and arrangement of a children's town. The Head of the Tiraspol administration, accompanying the President, said that the bulk of work at this facility had been completed. Decoration is in progress. Electrical equipment is being prepared for commissioning. Test runs of the carousels are scheduled for no later than March. It will be possible to complete the work of the sculptors locally as the cold recedes. Now they are working on finishing the fountain complex. Oleg Dovgopol considers that the facility will be ready by May. The President gave a small margin of time, instructing to organize the official opening of the "Miracle City" on June 1 - Children's Day. At the same time, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that until all responsible services have documented the readiness of the facility for commissioning, it is unacceptable for children to be on the rides. The President noted that safety comes first.


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