The President held a meeting on the draft Tax Code of the PMR

01/26/21 14:49

The President held a meeting on the draft Tax Code of the PMR

The President, opening the meeting devoted to the development of the draft of the new Tax Code, noted that this topic has been heard for several years, all interested parties support the idea of ​​streamlining the legal framework in the taxation, but the issue has not been put to an end. The document was actively developed in 2017. The main goals declared by the authors (the Government) are to structure the currently scattered norms, to bring the institution of tax consulting to a new level (which is fully consistent with the task set by the President), to improve the system of inspections, focusing on risk-orientation and determining the frequency of control measures depending on degree of risk. A working group was created, which included numerous representatives of various divisions of the legislative and executive branches of Government, public organizations, and the business community. Work on the draft code took two years. The group has met for extended meetings more than two dozen times. In addition to the systematization of existing norms, as a result of which it is planned to cancel the action of more than a dozen laws, in the version of the code proposed by the Government, there are also innovations. The law-in-draft was sent to the Supreme Council in autumn 2019. The parliamentarians have no doubts about the need to codify the Tax Code, as such. But after a preliminary study of the document, the deputies did not support the proposed version of the monitoring institute and tax administration. The law-in-draft has not yet been submitted to the expanded parliamentary platforms.

Today, within the framework of the meeting under the President, the participants got acquainted with presentation of the document, discussed in detail many aspects, exchanged views, arguments - both in support of the law-in-draft and against its urgent adoption as presented. It is important that representatives of Pridnestrovian business generally support the Government's position on the need to adopt an improved Tax Code. However, there are doubts about the timeliness of this step. The coronavirus pandemic has seriously complicated the state of affairs in the country's economy as a whole and in the activities of almost every economic entity. This circumstance cannot be ignored, the President is sure. He emphasized that any innovation should be aimed at improving the situation of citizens. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about an honest partnership between the state and business as a guarantee of successful mutually beneficial cooperation.

The President instructed to resume the collective work on the law-in-draft, taking into account the existing realities. It is necessary in his opinion to hold public hearings. It is important that the participants are ready for this discussion: everyone should study the project in detail in advance, the President said. Vadim Krasnoselsky urged to focus on such aspects as the timeliness of the adoption of the document, not deteriorating the situation of the subjects, excluding the influence of the human factor in the relationship between the state and business.


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