Meeting of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky with chief editors of the leading mass media of Pridnestrovie

12/25/20 20:00

Meeting of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky with chief editors of the leading mass media of Pridnestrovie

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

Dear journalists, good afternoon! I am glad to welcome you - today in an unusual format. The reasons are the same - coronavirus infection, quarantine, distance that must be observed, which we are doing.

The year is coming to an end, we can take stock. The year is not easy. But this is the year of the life of our state. Therefore, I will be happy to answer your questions. If citizens did not understand something, then after our dialogue everything can be put into place. It is important that people understand what is happening, that they fully own the situation, be aware of the events that are taking place in the life of our state.

Victor Savchenko, editor-in-chief of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel:

Vadim Nikolaevich, I would like to start with foreign policy. The topic is relevant that has been discussed over the past weeks. Federal media regularly talk about Pridnestrovie for the first time in a long time. The President of the Russian Federation pronounced the word “Pridnestrovie” in the course of press conference. We, of course, followed this closely. The reason for this attention is the statement of the President-elect of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu, a statement that was noticed in the Russian Federation, was noticed in our country. She said that she was not going to meet with you in her recent interviews, with regard to her direct relationship to Pridnestrovie. The situation in the Security Zone is quite tense. We saw what the combatants were doing; we saw how our citizens (at the same time citizens of Moldova) were not allowed to vote in the presidential elections in Moldova. We see how the Joint Control Commission works with problems or does not work at all. There are enough problems. Do you believe that despite all the difficulties, facts, incidents, just words and statements, it will be possible to normalize the work of the "5 + 2" format, expert groups, and the Joint Control Commission?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

I'll start a little bit from another issue. Elections were held in a neighboring state, Moldova. They chose between Igor Nikolaevich Dodon and Mrs. Sandu. But, in essence, they did not choose a person, they chose the vector of development - either Western or Eastern in the situation that took place, in that electoral process in Moldova. Naturally, based on this agenda, the elections were very sharp. The election process itself was speculative, hysterical, and so on. Why is that? Because when there is a choice not between people, but between the directions of development, then this is what happens. Naturally, there was a large turnout because of this: the people came to the elections to choose their future: either finally with the West, or still a bias towards the East, towards Russia. The people made their choice. Everyone knows this. But what is most important here, what I would like to draw your attention to: the western vector of development has already been chosen by Moldova - its political elite. This has been happening since the 90s, then it was confirmed more than once by one or another decision of the Moldovan elite. Agreement on European integration was signed in 2014. It is enough to look at the government development plan, reforming the Defense Ministry of the Republic of Moldova, that is, the armed forces. All this suggests that the Moldovan elites have long chosen the western vector of development. That was very revealing that happened in November. The choice of the elite was approved by the people of Moldova. That's all. The question is much deeper here. The consequences of this choice, of course, will soon be felt by everyone, I have no doubt about it.

As for the statement of Ms. Sandu, I have already commented once: I do not react sharply to it. Mrs. Sandu is not yet President - just a couple of days are left before her inauguration. It's one thing when you make some statements in the status of opposition, even if you are elected. It's another matter when you are the current President. These are different degrees of responsibility. Therefore, there is no need to make entries for this hour. Everything should be settled, de jure power should be obtained, and then the President, and not the opposition, will make decisions. Then we will look at statements. Our position remains the same. We are ready for dialogue - both in the "1 + 1" and "5 + 2" formats. We remain committed to the principles of good neighborliness, cooperation and negotiability. At the same time, we unambiguously insist on the presence of Russian peacekeepers on the banks of the Dniester. I consider that this is precisely the base, thanks to which further negotiations are possible, and not firing from machine guns, cannons and other provocations. This is important to understand.

Alla Ivanchenko, editor-in-chief of News of Pridnestrovie news agency:

Vadim Nikolaevich, with the arrival of the new leadership in Moldova, theses about the need to withdraw the Russian peacekeeping forces and the removal of ammunition from the village of Kolbasna is increasingly heard. To what extent, in your opinion, is the implementation of such plans realistic, and what can this lead to?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

You know, Alla Kharlampievna, I sometimes get the impression that when politicians want to draw attention to them and want everyone to talk about them, then they talk about peacekeepers. Then yes: all channels are federal, all media will quote this politician, and this, by and large, is an advertisement for the politician. What's the difference by what?

Mrs. Sandu said nothing new in principle. Igor Nikolayevich Dodon said the same that after the settlement it was necessary to withdraw all "foreign troops". These are his words. Mrs. Sandu said a little differently, but in the same context. Therefore, it is not necessary to faint, so to speak, nothing surprising happened. It was just said a little bit sharper, well, that's all, but the essence is the same. But our position is firstly, this cannot be resolved without Russia and without the Pridnestrovian people, but we remain loyal to the peacekeepers of Russia, we understand who brought peace to our land, we remember how everything happened. There is no doubt that the peacekeepers here are the guarantor of peace, moreover, for both Pridnestrovie and Moldova. Therefore, all these statements are somewhere speculative, somewhere advertising, but, unfortunately, as I have said more than once, they have nothing to do with the peace. For advertising - yes, for PR - yes, for the peace - no. I say again, let's pause. There is nothing wrong with that. The peacemakers are and will stand, but words will remain words.

Yuri Soloviev, acting editor-in-chief of Radio 1:

Vadim Nikolaevich, how do you see relations with the Russian Federation? We know what problems you constantly raise in Moscow: the problems of citizenship, the use of maternity capital in Pridnestrovie, health insurance. What is needed to resolve these difficulties?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

Of course, relations with the Russian Federation are multi-vector. This is military cooperation, and peacekeeping, and the political component, and the 5 + 2 format, where Russia is the guarantor, and a large block of cultural, humanitarian and economic issues. To a greater extent, when I come to Moscow on a visit, during meetings in the Federation Council, the State Duma, the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the agenda includes issues on the solution of which people's lives directly depend. This is the issue of citizenship, the issue of use of maternity capital on the territory of Pridnestrovie, this is the opportunity for citizens of the Russian Federation living in Pridnestrovie and having Pridnestrovian passports, a Russian-style insurance policy, issues related to obtaining higher education at the Pridnestrovian State University according to Russian standards, and so on. There are many questions, and, unfortunately, I do not always find a response to the problems that exist in Pridnestrovie. Let's take citizenship as an example. Frankly speaking, some officials in Moscow reproach the people of Pridnestrovie, saying that the residents of the republic allegedly have two or three passports in their hands, why an additional Russian one ... I answer literally the following: yes, of course, the citizens of Pridnestrovie have a Moldovan passport or maybe a Ukrainian passport, but some don't have a Russian one. Why did it happen? Yes, because it was very difficult to get the Russian document at one time, and excuse me, people had to solve their problems - health, communications of various kinds, business, and maintain family ties. They just needed any passport - Ukrainian, Moldovan, and people received it. Is it their fault that someone once cut off the Pridnestrovian people from their historical homeland, from big Russia, put them in these conditions of survival? The people survived, the people adjusted, people received some kind of passports, but at the same time remaining loyal to Russia and considering them part of the Russian world. It is enough it to recall the results of the 2006 referendum. 97% of the population spoke in favor of the independence of Pridnestrovie and further rapprochement with the Russian Federation. Here are the numbers: 97% of Pridnestrovians consider themselves to be close to Russia, no matter what passports they have. Therefore, I urge: do not deprive a person of the opportunity and the right to obtain Russian citizenship in Pridnestrovie. Here the question is not at all about receiving a pension or any benefits. There will be no big load on Russia. It's just a restoration of justice. The receipt by the PMR citizens of all 100%, of Russian passports is restoration of justice. I am absolutely convinced of this. This is what I explain to Russian politicians. Many do not know, many do not just feel our problems. They are not here, they are there. Therefore, I have to explain, argue, and prove. How is it different?

Regarding relations with Russia: naturally, there is a large block of economic contacts. Russia has always been an attractive business partner, in terms of export and import of goods. The agenda includes higher education, advanced training courses, quotas, and so on. This is a big agenda. Relations with Russia are developing and will continue to develop, I am convinced of this.

Igor Avrenev, Chief Editor of TSV:

Vadim Nikolaevich, I would like to ask a question not about foreign policy, but about Pridnestrovie, about us. You became the President four years ago, what year do you think was the most difficult? We had a flood, a catastrophic drought, coronavirus in addition. How has this year changed you personally?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

This year has not changed me. It's too late for me to be changed, I can say for sure. It concentrated, disciplined even more - yes. But it has not changed. How difficult was the year? Probably it was difficult for everyone and for the President as well. The flood was not as massive as in 2008. We worked in this direction although. Everything was well. But here's the drought ... For almost a year we did not have rain. As the old-timers say, there hasn't been such a drought since 1946. Then there was a great famine, there were victims. People were dying of hunger. Now is a completely different time. This drought was felt by the economy and the state as a whole, the budget and agricultural producers. Therefore, we provided for appropriate preferential lending, introduced incentives, changed taxes in order to support the agricultural producer, give the opportunity to get on feet and grow a new crop. Now, I am looking at the weather, everything is good so far. The earth has already filled with moisture, and there is the prospect of good harvest in 2021. It was hard to watch the wheat dying of course. Sowing once - perished, the second time - perished, all black. It was difficult. It's hard for me, but for the people who planted it with their own hands? It's hard. However, I say it again, this is nature. We must fight. Nature tests everyone for strength: agricultural producers, agrarians, the President and the state as a whole.

And the coronavirus, of course. This is already a worldwide problem. Frankly, when all this started with us, remember, in March-April, we made forecasts. I made cautious, but very hard forecasts that all this will spread, we needed to prepare, I have always talked about this. I spoke about the fact that we must rely on ourselves, for our self-sufficiency, we must mobilize all our resources, and most importantly, build a model for combating coronavirus infection. All this time, by and large up to the present day, we have been building a model of fighting the pandemic, a model of fighting for human life and health. Yes, of course, it is difficult to come to the ideal, but we must strive for it. I remember when we started planning the fight against the pandemic, we counted only 220 beds in the infectious diseases wards in the health system totally, we thought that we could expand the bed capacity to 700 maximum. But when people started to get sick, when hospitals began to fill up with sick people, we took the path of further expanding the bed capacity. Today we have approximately 2800 places deployed in Pridnestrovie. That is, we used all the reserves that could be used. For comparison: there are about the same number of beds in Moldova as in Pridnestrovie – a little bit more than 2800. But Moldova is six times larger. The number of beds is the same. The beds allow helping sick persons, those who need it, who have signs, symptoms, pneumonia, and so on. I have already said that 60-70 percent out of a hundred percent of patients have inflammation of the lung tissue. This is a serious matter. How to leave a person with inflammation at home so that he can be treated with coronavirus at home? It is impossible, tragedy can be. Therefore, the system was initially built in such a way that all coronavirus patients are treated exclusively in hospitals. I said that we will switch to home treatment perhaps when we build another system, but in a controlled and effective manner. I did not finish one small nuance then: why did it all happen like this with us? This was all part of the process of building the model. What is the essence of this model? We delayed treatment at home in order to maximize the capacity of the Pridnestrovian hospital bed and equip it. After all, a bed is not only an armored bed with a mattress. It is necessary to assign a doctor, medical staff to it, make this place heated, with good nutrition, medicines, diagnostics and further treatment. This is a very complicated process. When we organized the bed fund, not everything went smoothly at once. We refined the mechanism gradually, eliminated all the shortcomings and strove to create a place where a person can receive normal medical care, timely assistance. The concept of "timely" is the cornerstone, the main one in this case. Timeliness of treatment for coronavirus infection excludes complications. There are, of course, all sorts of moments, concomitant diseases, for example, but that's not the point. I conducted the Operational Headquarters just yesterday, we have about five and a half thousand citizens being treated for coronavirus infection today. 2600 of these are in hospitals, the rest are undergoing home treatment. 43 out of the five and a half thousand patients are severe (this is less than one percent) and only one person is connected to lung ventilation. Do you understand? This is probably an indicator. This is indicator of low number of seriously ill patients. Of course, it will grow to one degree or another. But the ability to minimize this growth depends on us. Naturally, if a person is not seriously ill, he does not die. All deaths are from the severity of the disease. We strive to provide timely medical care and minimize the risk of worsening the patient's condition. In order to correctly understand the whole concept of treating coronavirus patients, I hold meetings of the Operational Headquarters every Monday and Thursday, where all officials report on the situation. The Head of the Operational Headquarters Ruslan Petrovich Mova makes a regular presentation. Every chief physician reports, who speaks about every deceased, about everyone. And if there are doubts about a particular situation, then the materials are sent to the Investigative Committee for making decisions. Not in order to punish someone - in no case, but in order to find out the cause-and-effect relationship and exclude these factors in the future. This is the essence of these checks. The load on the medical staff, on hospitals, in general on the Ministry of Health is off scale. This is a colossal burden. The health care system has never faced such a volume of workload as it does today. This, again, is a test of the fortress. But the system takes a hit. Every paramedic takes a hit. Every official takes a hit. I am very grateful to the medical staff, namely to medical workers, they really do their duty. Yes, there are breakdowns, yes, not everyone understands everything correctly, but everything returns to the norm that should be.

As for the number of cases, there is no need to faint. I will say this: today, when the pandemic has already spread throughout the world, the incidence rate is, in principle, the same everywhere. The way it is. The level in principle is the same in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Pridnestrovie. The difference is in the approach to treating patients and in the organization of this process. Naturally, it is impossible to organize without money. Therefore, this year we have spent a large amount of money on the fight against coronavirus infection. This is more than 300 million rubles. I want to tell you where this money is directed. Approximately 100 million is directed to increasing the salaries of medical staff. Doctors and the rest of the medical staff who work in covid hospitals, in the emergency medical service, or in hospitals that are equated to covid hospitals, receive decent wages. This is approximately 2000 healthcare workers. This is a large number. Further: testing, which we do for people free of charge, food, organization of place to treat the patient and, of course, medicines. I sometimes receive complaints from citizens, which indicate that sometimes they have to buy some medicines at their own expense. Yes, maybe there is a problem in this, but the main block of antiviral medicines, that is, those medicines that are aimed at treating coronavirus infection, we purchase at the expense of the state and treat every patient with these drugs. Everything else - vitamins, concomitant medications, which are auxiliary in nature to increase immunity - are purchased by citizens themselves. We don't stop. We are constantly in search of how to treat citizens as much as possible at the expense of the state. Each meeting of the Operational Headquarters, the Minister of Health reports on the reserve of medicines for the treatment of patients. Think for yourself: an average of 500 people a day become infected in Pridnestrovie, for thirty days - 15000 people. These fifteen thousand must pass at least two tests, this is already 30000 tests. Of course, everything else related to treatment: nutrition, medicines, care. Enormous burden is on both the budget and the doctors. In this case, a person must be accepted and discharged - this is also a process, workflow, analysis, and so on. As for home treatment, we switched to home treatment on December 2. It was a deliberate, balanced and well-organized decision. To date, fifth-sixth year students have been invited to call centers. They closely monitor the condition of each patient with therapists, call up, ask about the condition, and if the patient's condition worsens at home, the patient is immediately transferred to covid hospitals. To date, approximately three hundred people have already been transferred from home treatment to hospitals. That is, the system is working. Therefore, all these challenges of the twentieth year are a test of the strength of the state, of the ability to withstand any challenge. I want to say that in general we sustain under the hit.

Victor Savchenko, editor-in-chief of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel:

Vadim Nikolaevich, continuing the topic of coronavirus: it is difficult to find at least one country where the majority of citizens would say "thank you", and the authorities completely coped and overcame all difficulties. They criticize everywhere, and Pridnestrovie is no exception definitely. One of the portions of criticism concerns economic issues: how they supported citizens, the population, small and medium-sized businesses, how successfully the budget was reoriented, how they generally coped with these economic difficulties. To what extent have we withstood this economic coronavirus blow, and will we be able to do it in 2021, from which, of course, everyone expects a miracle in getting rid of this terrible disease?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

I have already said that we have spent more than 300 million rubles to fight coronavirus infection. 300 million rubles of these, 25 million rubles went to support small businesses. Remember when there was a complete lockdown, when small businesses did not work, markets did not work? Small business entrepreneurs received appropriate subsidies - this is only 25 million rubles. 29 million rubles of this total were spent on food sets for children: there was no food in schools, nor in kindergartens, we gave food sets or monetary compensation to citizens. In addition, there was a wide range of lending assistance for small and medium-sized businesses. That is, we did everything that was possible in our conditions in order to support, not to let them fall to zero. When the lockdown passed, everyone went to their workplace, the business is working. By the way, if you look at the budget loss, the main loss is associated with final consumption. That is, small business felt the most. This includes catering, trade, services, including transport. People started to use less services, buy less, travel less, and so on. They started going to restaurants less. It is naturally. To criticize or not to criticize, this is the choice of people how to act. Another question is how we support these entrepreneurs.

In general, there is, of course, a drop in state revenues, this also cannot be avoided - approximately 5%. This 300 million that went to fight the coronavirus infection, just in 2020, we intend to send it to a significant increase in benefits, salaries to health workers. You see how fate decreed. Based on these expenses, we were forced to sequester some development programs that will resume in 2021, even in the context of the coronavirus, I think. I talked about learning how to live with the pandemic, not being a slave to it. We must learn to live, fight, heal, fight for the life of every person and develop, unambiguously, the economy. Don't blame everything on an external factor, in any case. This is the position of the weak. We must learn to live in these conditions and develop, no matter how difficult it is. What about the criticism? Well, of course, what about without criticism? This is normal. And, by the way, I am very grateful to those people who turn to me directly, pointing out certain shortcomings of any spheres of life. I read these statements at meetings of the Operations Headquarters, point out the shortcomings, to eliminate the identified causes that can be minimized. One should be absolutely calm about this and be grateful that people see problems, and they have a desire to ask for help, and they hope that they will be met halfway, they will be heard.

Alla Ivanchenko, editor-in-chief of the News of Pridnestrovie news agency:

The number of people with COVID-19 is not decreasing, but only increasing. Is there a plan for the new year, I'm not talking lockdown, but at least tougher quarantine measures?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

You know, Alla Kharlampievna, we have carefully studied this topic, and studied it both from the experience of Pridnestrovie in the spring-summer period, and from the experience of other countries. There is only one conclusion here: if we talk about lockdown, then everything must be stopped completely. Is it possible in our conditions? Probably not. We took a different path - not a lockdown, but point restrictions. Let's say a class at school goes into quarantine, two or three classes get sick - the school goes into quarantine. We also act in terms of quarantine in production facilities and in all government institutions. That is, not a general lockdown, but point restrictions. So, probably, we will live in the future. As for the distance. Now we have transferred everyone to distance learning, and I have already said that this is a disaster. In reality, distance learning is a disaster. But this is a necessary measure, and I am convinced that it is temporary. At the same time, we install optical fiber to all schools, we buy computer equipment, providing remote control. Children from the first to the fourth grades are studying in full-time mode while, because out of the common to imagine a seven-year-old child sitting at a computer, sitting for three, four, five hours. This is worse than the coronavirus. Do you understand what is the point? I gave instructions to the chief sanitary doctor, and now the analysis of information is being carried out on how many children from the first to the fourth grades fell ill, who study on a full-time basis. Then, after the results and conclusions, we will make the appropriate decisions. But now I will say that it is precisely the children from kindergartens and primary grades who get sick much less than, let's say, their older colleagues in education.

Alexander Karasev, editor-in-chief of the Pridnestrovie newspaper:

Vadim Nikolaevich, I have a question about vaccination. Vaccination began in Russia, in selected European countries, in the United States. Will we have vaccinations? What vaccine? And will it be voluntary?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

I must say right away that vaccination will be exclusively voluntary. This is the main condition. We will choose the best vaccine. Vaccination has begun, but it is still proceeding at a very slow pace and is being carried out in all states. Production capacities do not allow developing so much vaccine as to completely provide it to literally everyone at once, the entire population of this or that state. So my reasoning is this: this delay will give us the opportunity to study which vaccine is better. We will purchase and use that one.

Igor Avrenev, Chief Editor of TSV:

You said that you hear the reports of each head physician twice a week. Everyone thinks that doctors are heroes of our time. Who can you personally name, by surname, if possible, which of the doctors is great?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

You know, Igor, I would not name them by surname, I would not single out someone, because all are the heroes. Now the chief doctors, specialists, resuscitators, therapists are in plain sight. And what about the nurse who works in the covid hospital? Nobody knows her name. Isn't she a heroine? Or hospital attendant: isn't he a hero? How can you forget these people? Therefore, for me, everyone who works and is fighting the pandemic, specifically speaking of health workers, is all heroes and deserves praise, respect and reward.

Yuri Soloviev, acting editor-in-chief of Radio 1:

Vadim Nikolaevich, you have already touched upon the issue of distance learning. Indeed, you called distance learning a disaster in the course of broadcasts. This is indeed perceived by many as a disaster, including parents. The quality of children's education can suffer in the process. To what extent did you manage to minimize the consequences of this disaster, and what will be done further in this direction?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

It was necessary to prepare for the remote location in advance. But who guessed? Therefore, we worked, as they say, "just-in-time system. To minimize the negative consequences, an appropriate program was developed for the installation of fiber optics and the purchase of computer equipment. We buy more than two thousand computers at the expense of the budget, transfer them to schools and educational institutions in order to organize the process of remote learning. In addition, teachers have also switched to telecommuting. This is all new for them, not everyone fully mastered the skills of working on modern computer technology. This had to be learned just-in-time system. The organization of a computer class in each school allows the teacher, if there are no appropriate home conditions, to conduct classes remotely from school, from the computer class with any student, which is happening today. We will continue to develop, we will continue to finalize this system. But, once again, distance learning is temporary. Anyway, the moment will come when the pandemic will subside, the coronavirus will be defeated, I am absolutely convinced of this, and we will return to normal face-to-face relationships, when each student is in contact with another student and with teachers.

Alexander Karasev, editor-in-chief of the Pridnestrovie newspaper:

Vadim Nikolaevich, next year it is planned to increase wages and pensions. Some 160 million rubles have been reserved for this. The Chairman of the Supreme Council Alexander Viktorovich Korshunov spoke about a certain commission that according to special formula, would determine the level of increase in directions. Please tell us more about this work.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

Yes, it was a verified joint decision of the President, the Government, and the Supreme Council to reserve certain funds for raising wages and pensions for public sector employees. This is totally 160 million. What amounts for, what groups for - this is the work of the commissions. Until the work of the commissions is completed, it is too early to speak of conclusions. There will be an increase, that we are planning this increase - yes. Let it be for now.

Alla Ivanchenko, editor-in-chief of the News of Pridnestrovie news agency:

Vadim Nikolaevich, does the state plan to revise prices upward for travel in public transport and housing and communal services?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

No, Alla Kharlampievna, for 2021 the entire price component will remain at the level of 2020. This includes travel in public transport and housing and communal services.

I would like to focus on housing and communal services, because this is not an easy question. There is probably nothing free in life. If a citizen pays less for a certain service: for water, for heat, for electricity, for gas - it is cheaper for him, but for the state or for natural monopolies no. There is a cost of the service, and it must be covered. Previously, until 2018, the system looked like this: the citizen paid less, and the difference between price and cost was paid by natural monopolies at the expense of their profits. Naturally, circulating assets were washed out, and there was practically nothing to carry out repairs of housing and communal services. Everything was towards disaster. Our entire housing and communal complex was in an extremely dejected state. I remember that in 2017-2018, I constantly heard reports from Heads of administrations that 250 or 300 pipe leaks occurred in a week. These are networks, water supply networks, heating networks, and so on. Imagine 250-300 pipe leaks per week in one city. What is the load on these networks and what is the load on those people who are repairing these networks. There were no investments. That was the problem. Therefore, starting in 2019, we took a different path. We took the path of compensating the natural monopoly for the difference between the cost and the price of service that citizens pay. The state now pays extra for citizens. That is, not free, not cheap, but the state pays for citizens to the budget of these natural monopolies. The figures from memory: 2019 is about 85 million rubles, 2020 is about 140 million rubles, and for 2021 we assume about 180-190 million rubles. This money will be returned to natural monopolies. But what happens to this money? It is not only received on the account of the enterprises, of course not. They go into circulation, this money is used to repair our housing and communal services, and the salaries of workers of natural monopolies are raised. In general, if we talk about housing and communal services and what amounts are invested, I will explain ​​what money is being invested. You can build a new school, renovate a hospital. But, just imagine, pipes are leaking, and the sewage system does not work in this hospital, there is no light, no heat. That's collapse. As for the amounts, 45 million rubles were spent in 2017ff for housing and communal services, on repairing networks, and so on. 2018 - 145 million rubles. 2019 - more than 200 million rubles, something about 235 million. This year, less - 180 million, because the money was directed to fight the pandemic. Next year we plan to spend about 300 million rubles on the repair of housing and communal services. That is, starting from 2017 and taking into account 2021, this is about a billion rubles. These funds are invested in all the networks of housing and communal services, in the repair and improvement of the settlements of Pridnestrovie, so that there is heat, electricity, gas and amenities in every house. Yes, this work may not be visible, it is being carried out somewhere underground, somewhere above the ground, but people feel the result in the form of normal water in the tap - hot, cold, clean, in the form of a warm heating radiators. There is a lot of work to do. There are a lot of complaints, for example, about water in Tiraspol - rusty flows. But we are changing networks. It is impossible to do everything right away, dear citizens, please understand this. Gradually, year after year, we will come to the state of complete comfort and clean water will flow from each tap.

Igor Avrenev, Chief Editor of TSV:

Vadim, Nikolaevich, if you will allow me, I would like to continue. Two questions. The first question concerns education, university: will there be any changes in the cost of higher education in Pridnestrovie? And one more question concerning the cost: is it planned to somehow change the cost of using trolleybuses? A lot of people now us it for free, and this must somehow be compensated for our trolleybus fleet, which is also changing. And the second question: the capital investment program and the presidential program of affordable housing have been implemented over the past year, despite the pandemic. We understand that the pandemic is not over. What will happen next year with the capital investment program, with repairs, with affordable housing?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

As for the price component, I have already said in principle: all tariffs will remain at the level of 2020. This also applies to trolleybuses. Although, we compensate by means of the budget the losses of the trolleybus management from the transportation of privileged categories of passengers. Benefits will not be canceled. That is the first.

Secondly. With regard to education in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions: the fee will also not grow, it will remain at the same level. You know, dear journalists, sometimes people turn to in order to reduce tuition fees in the pandemic, when remote education occurs. At first it seems that the question is very pertinent and needs to be answered. I want to give the following figures. Our education fees are lower than the cost price and the difference, again, is compensated by the state. For example, on average, a student's year of study at a Pridnestrovian State University costs 19500 rubles. A student pays 10000 rubles a year. This is paid education. That is 53%. Rubinstein Institute of Arts: on average, one place for student costs 30000 rubles a year. And the student pays 5000 rubles. That is, somewhere around 15-16%. Thus, in the republic as a whole, students actually pay from 10 to 25% of the real cost of education on average. The rest is paid by the state. So what will be reduced then, government spending or student spending? But, by and large, the load on teachers has been preserved and even increased from the point of view of distance learning. People should be paid. This is the first thing. Second: utilities must be paid. We do not turn off the light, heat and so on in the educational institution. It's money. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about reduction in fees for getting an education in remote conditions, because the state already compensates for most of the cost of getting an education, even on paid basis.

As for the Capital Investment Fund, this is a big question. In three years - 2018-2020 - we have made great progress in the implementation of this project. A large number of schools, kindergartens, cultural facilities, sports, park areas and so on have been repaired. These are hundreds of objects. Health care facilities are also being renovated through the Capital Investment Fund. The implementation of this program of the Capital Investment Fund is also envisaged in the amount of slightly more than 200 million rubles for 2021. What objects are included in the Capital Investment Fund and will be included next year? In the basic component, these are healthcare facilities. These are rural medicine, polyclinic care, hospitals. This is repair or construction from scratch, from the foundation of certain objects. These are also kindergartens, schools, but to a lesser extent, because in the basic component everything has been renovated. These and other objects that are worth paying attention to in our conditions. Each object was studied by the President, the Government, the Head of the administration, and the deputies of the Supreme Council. That is, the decisions that have been made, they have been verified and discussed more than once. It's just that something is not included in the Capital Investment Fund. And the strictest control by the state over the expenditure of funds, of course. Various control and audit structures take part in this: the Accounts Chamber, deputy commissions, public control, presidential control. This is correct, so that there is not even a temptation to encroach on a budget penny.

Igor Avrenev, Chief Editor of TSV:

Vadim Nikolaevich, what about affordable housing? How many? Hundreds of families of state employees have already celebrated housewarming? And, as I understand it, several hundred more families are now doing repairs in their new apartments. What's next?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

The topic of housing is very relevant and necessary for young people. This topic allows you to fix a person in Pridnestrovie. Everything is from housing, from your square meter. The implementation of these programs is, in principle, the needs of people, the needs of society. We initially followed the path of completing those houses, unfinished buildings, abandoned high-rise buildings that were in Pridnestrovie. Unfortunately, they were few. I say “unfortunately” because they are already, in principle, finished. We have already built 10 houses to date. People got affordable housing as it was promised. A square meter did not go off scale in value, and it was elevated for citizens. In addition, the state provided a preferential loan at 10.5% per annum in PMR rubles without reference to dollar exchange rate - so that a person pays about a thousand to one and a half thousand rubles a month, repaying this loan. Someone took a loan, someone did not take it, but people received housing. These are hundreds of apartments, hundreds of families, hundreds of young professionals who are settling in new houses. This year we have completed a number of projects. We are also going to commission a number of objects under this program next year. In view of the requests from society, from young specialists, we went along the path of implementing another program. This is concessional lending through the purchase of housing from the secondary market. We are talking about apartments, private houses in cities, households in rural areas. The law was adopted in 2020. The mechanism is fully finalized. There was a lack of funding for this program. It was frozen in 2020 for obvious reasons related to the pandemic. We will allocate about 15 million rubles for the implementation of this program and concessional lending in 2021. Thus, under this program, we expect to provide about 200 apartments to young specialists, public sector employees. The program will continue in the future. And so, I think, gradually we will be able to secure young specialists here, in the republic. The topic of affordable housing will continue to be continued - not only in 2021, but also for further development.

Yuri Soloviev, acting editor-in-chief of Radio 1:

Elections to the Supreme Council were held this year. If we talk about reducing the number of deputies, then the majority of parliamentarians have retained their seats. Only two people are new, Boris German and Stepan Stepanov. In your opinion, what does this mean: is it the absence of political competition or is it trust in the deputies? Could the rather low turnout in this election be explained only by the pandemic?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

As for the turnout, various factors intervened. First, many compared the elections to the Supreme Council in Pridnestrovie and the presidential elections in Moldova. But these are completely different things. As I said, they chose not the personality of the President, but the vector of development, the state’s fate. And this is a completely different interest. The people do not choose the fate or the vector of the state's development during elections to the Supreme Council or to city and regional councils. The people elect their deputy, their representative in the bodies of power - legislative and representative. This is completely different. This is completely different interest. The second explanation is, of course, the coronavirus infection. People were simply afraid to go to the polls because of the virus. Somewhere citizens are happy with everything, they understand who the candidate is, and reason like this: in principle, the candidate worked, everything is fine, I will not go, they will still be elected. And people had such a philosophy. As a result, 27% of the total number of voters came to the polls. I think this is a pretty good percentage. Of course, the low turnout may be due somewhere to the lack of competition, somewhere the pandemic has made its own adjustments. This year was in such a way. Nevertheless, the legislative branch has been formed, the representative has been formed, city and district councils have been elected everywhere in full, and, naturally, their chairmen have also been elected. Most importantly, there is a legislative and representative power. This is very important for the state, because it is the Supreme Council that makes laws. The laws are executed by the President. This is important to understand. There is a very good principle of checks and balances here. In any case, the entire legislative field, all the rules of the game are formed not by the President, but by the Supreme Council, of course, in interaction with the President and the Government. Here a lot of controversy sometimes happens, different points of view are expressed. We always come to consensus, because our energy is aimed at the development of the state. Not to break, but to create, to build something, to do something new, to overcome the coronavirus, and so on. It's just that the approaches are sometimes different, but the desire is the same. This desire determines success. Therefore, there is good contact between the government, the President and the Supreme Council, a business dispute, and most importantly, there is a result of this dispute. The result is positive.

Victor Savchenko, editor-in-chief of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel:

Vadim Nikolaevich, with your permission, I would like to supplement this question. If we are talking about low political competition, should the Government itself provoke such competition, influencing the creation of political parties, some other public formations and hinting to citizens that it is necessary to more actively run for parliament?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

I absolutely don't want to do something artificially. Artificially - this is somewhere a deception. It would be possible that every deputy of the Supreme Council, who ran for office, and who has no competitors, would ask his friend to participate in the process. Is that fair? For me, it's a hoax. Much more honest the way it was. Tech candidates are cheating. It's PR stunt. Therefore, I did not support this idea. Let it be as it is. I do not want to engage in deception. As for the development of civil society - of course, yes. We have four hundred NGOs in our republic, we have a law on parties, we have various parties. Please create competition. The society must assume those actions that are necessary for the development of society. Pushing for this, again, artificially, would be wrong. Although I definitely see the point in healthy competition and healthy opposition.

Alexander Karasev, editor-in-chief of the Pridnestrovie newspaper:

You have already touched on the topic of the fixation of young specialists in our republic. The next year is called the Year of Youth. It is no coincidence, because we understand that youth is the future of our republic. Tell me, what measures will be taken by the state to support, for example, young families or young entrepreneurs, our young guys who live in our country?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

This is a big topic. Next year has been declared the Year of Youth in our republic. The main message is that after a while we will leave. We will leave our posts, we will leave forever. We will be replaced by young people: today's schoolchildren, students, young specialists tomorrow will lead this state. Perhaps the most important thing is for young people to understand the essence of this state, its history and culture. This is one direction. The second direction is education, in fact, that accessible education that we preserve. Kindergartens, schools, universities, specialized secondary education, basic education is budgetary and free for citizens. This, of course, is also assistance to young professionals so that young specialists find themselves here in Pridnestrovie in various positions. This is, of course, affordable housing. This is development of additional education in terms of sports, culture and so on. This, of course, is the participation of young people in public life, in the work of the Central Election Commission, parliament, government, Presidential Administration - everywhere a young person must be represented. It is interesting for me to communicate with young people. We have very good youth, I can tell you that for sure. These phrases “we were better in our time”, “and you are, the youth” are a sign of your incompetence. Who brings up the youth? We. And you then say that young people are bad? This means, such is the teacher, sorry. Here you have to be careful in conclusions and comparisons. Young people are always alike, approaches are different. What you invest in youth is what you get finally. Therefore, although 2021 will still be the pandemic and very difficult year, nevertheless, we will pay due attention to youth, contact with youth, youth associations and organizations in order to prepare young people to lead our Motherland - Pridnestrovie.

Victor Savchenko, editor-in-chief of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel:

The main philosophical question of 2020, it seems to me, concerns cultural immunity. You focused on this topic, talked about some, let's say, protection from external influences. This is probably some kind of sophisticated rudeness, intrigue for a person. Protection from all this is, of course, cultural immunity. Moreover, of a national character: this is our history, origins, our confidence in the future. What does “cultural immunity” mean to you, and how do you preserve these basic values ​​in yourself?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

Cultural immunity, in my opinion, is formed internally and externally. Internally, it is personal upbringing, family, school, religion, sports and everything else that a person encounters. The external factor is everyday life, the convenience of life in a given state. Knowledge of the history of the state is important. Upbringing is understandable: each person lives in a family, society, communicated a teacher, a coach, receives an internal basis, which further serves for development of personality. But knowledge of the history of the state forms the culture of a person as a whole. We harmoniously combine three great histories in Pridnestrovie. This is the history of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the history of modern Pridnestrovie. This is at least. There is also the ancient history of our region. I am talking, let's say, about the nearest history, about the information that is available to us in greater volume. Most importantly, we unite without a conflict of generations, without accusations of past generations in any sins. You need to know this, show it, talk about it. But PR cannot be done on this. It is impossible to humiliate, blame. You can blame individuals in history who have committed certain crimes against the people, yes. To blame the people - no. It is this competent implementation, the competent combination of three great stories, I think, and allows us to form cultural immunity through its history, through the history of its region. It is very important. And then, when society becomes highly cultured, then the facts of arrogance, rudeness and all other negative tendencies that people do not like so much when faced with such manifestations are minimized. Therefore, I think that if we follow this path and form both an internal culture and an external one, then we will succeed. This is the future. Why, let's say, you need to invest in sports? Sometimes they criticize: they have built stadiums, these children's playgrounds, they invest in coaches, they do nothing there ... It's not true. First, everyone should have access to sports and a healthy lifestyle. And there is also a psychological aspect. We did not talk about this. A coach replaces father for many guys. There are lone-parent families. Unfortunately, there are a lot of divorces today. A coach, if he approaches a child correctly, he replaces father. Do you understand what the nuance is? How without a masculine principle, without a masculine support? So much for inner immunity, inner culture, inner character. We invest not only in sports. We also invest in education. We can also talk about a music school, an art school, any additional education. A competent teacher, in fact, partially replaces the family in terms of upbringing. It's a complex. To pull it out and say that it is not necessary is completely ill-considered and wrong. The state is a complex mechanism with many gears. Take and look at the alarm clock. Open the lid and pay attention: when the clock is running, all sorts of gears and springs are involved, they all rotate, everything works. Maybe some spring twitches once a day, one gearwheel will turn one division once within an hour. It seems to someone: let's pull out these gears, they are superfluous; why spend money on them, lubricate them, ensure their work ... They pulled them out, and something happened that should happen in this case: the clock will stop. And then, realizing your mistake, you start to fussily shove these gears, no longer knowing where you got them from. And collapse, you know? It could cause collapse in education, culture - in development, in the end. The state is a complex mechanism, and each element and structure as a whole ensures the functionality of the state, being involved to one degree or another, more or less. Cultural immunity is not just about building a park or erecting a monument. No. This is the volume of tasks, this is a common vision and the desire to bring up an internal culture and an external one, to connect and get a result. And this is what we do.

Igor Avrenev, Chief Editor of TSV:

You summed up a lot today, but I have a question about the future. What do you want to tell us about 2021?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

It seems that we have come to a fortune teller, and now we will spread the cards here. What can I say? First, I hope the pandemic is over. In any case, we will follow the path of stabilization and development of the state. 2020 is possibly difficult, 2021 will be difficult possibly - these years will be passed. And they will bring closer the recognition of our state. This is important to understand. We're on this path anyway. I am deeply convinced of this.

Victor Savchenko, editor-in-chief of the First Pridnestrovian TV Channel:

Vadim Nikolaevich, my colleagues and I have secretly agreed that the last question will concern the New Year's traditions. Now it is relevant: New Year is very soon. We all celebrate the New Year with our family, 2021 - 100%, since any meetings, corporate events, including under the guise of celebrating a birthday - everything is prohibited. You need to stay at home anyway. This applies to absolutely everyone. What New Year traditions do you have in your family? Can you tell us some small details? For example, when do you give gifts: on New Year's Eve night or in the morning? And what will definitely be on the table? And what would you wish the Pridnestrovians?

Vadim Krasnoselsky, the PMR President:

We have one tradition: this is an exclusively family holiday. We get together as a big family and celebrate. It has always been, is and will be - regardless of the coronavirus manifestations. Gifts are of course a good tradition. Under the Christmas tree, as expected, and not in the morning, but in the evening. Because everyone is interested in what is presented there. Especially for children.

What I would like to wish people in 2021: health (this is important, especially in the pandemic), stability, prosperity and simple human happiness. Happiness depends on our understanding of the situation. Happiness is formed in our heads, in our hearts, it all depends on whether a person feels happy in society. And here the number of benefits is in many respects secondary. Of course, it does, but it's secondary. I want to see people happy. I want everyone to make happy in 2021, and make those who are nearby also happy. Probably, this is the secret of happy future: when everyone does not seek to do some meanness through envy, through some kind of malice, but, on the contrary, acts through goodness, understanding, the desire to make his neighbor happy. This is what I wish everyone, to absolutely everyone.


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