Meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President was held

10/01/20 12:13

Meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President was held

Opening the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the global deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the context of COVID-19. Anti-records are set among people who become sick per day in Moldova and Ukraine bordering with Pridnestrovie. The incidence rate in the PMR is also growing. The average detection rate of cases during the pandemic is 9.7% of the number of surveyed citizens (3880 cases of infection were confirmed by laboratory research of 40015 samples of biomaterial). At the same time, this figure was 5% in July, in August - 8%, in September - 15% that indicates a growing spread of the disease, and not only an increase in the number of detected carriers of the virus due to greater coverage of citizens by testing.

Today, 932 patients are undergoing treatment in infectious diseases hospitals of the republic. 20 of them - seriously ill - are in intensive care units, two are connected to artificial lung ventilation devices. 102 Pridnestrovians are awaiting the results of a study of biological samples taken in connection with a suspicion of a new type of virus. The workload of the Pridnestrovian COVID centers is 66% at the moment. Taking into consideration the growing dynamics of morbidity, members of the Operational Headquarters discussed options for increasing capacity - both within the functioning hospitals and by opening additional buildings. The President considers it expedient to create branches of operating second-level coronavirus hospitals in the cities of the republic, in which the so-called asymptomatic carriers of the virus and infected patients whose illness is mild will be treated. If condition worsens, the patient be transferred to the local head hospital.

Dormitories of the Spartak and Dnestrovskie Zori camps, the Solnechny and Tirotex dispensaries, the Sport hotel (republican stadium) and medical and obstetrical station of Parkany are named among the objects that are considered as potential places for the placement of new coronavirus hospitals. The President instructed the Heads of state administrations to study on the ground all possible options for the location in the future of branches of infectious diseases hospitals. The selected objects should be provided with heat and water supply, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. He recalled that they are making every effort to organize the treatment of patients with coronavirus in isolated hospitals in Pridnestrovie. This practice, which minimizes the spread of infection and contributes to the prompt provision of medical care at an early stage of the development of the disease and to prevent its transition into complex forms, will continue. Its effectiveness is undeniable: COVID mortality in Pridnestrovie is low (2.5% of the number of cases, or 98 people), and the proportion of those who recovered is 71% (2757 people).


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