Ignatiev warned Moldova against provocations in the Security Zone

02/20/20 18:16

Ignatiev warned Moldova against provocations in the Security Zone

PMR Foreign Minister stressed that Pridnestrovie and Russia were ready to take the necessary measures to protect peacekeepers
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Tiraspol, February 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. International mediators in the negotiations between Moldova and Pridnestrovie do not support Chisinau’s attempts to aggravate the situation in the Security Zone. This was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pridnestrovie, Vitaly Ignatiev.

In early February, the Moldovan delegation to the JCC issued an official appeal in which it informed of possible provocations at the posts of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces. Representatives of Moldova stated that the presence of peacekeepers allegedly “provokes indignation among residents of Koshnitsa, Pyryta, Dorotskoe and Pogreba villages” (territories of the PMR occupied by Moldova). The RM Co-Chair said that if the peacekeeping posts were not removed, then the peacekeepers "would be taken up with a fork."

In a reply statement from the Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC, it is said that according to the polls, “the inhabitants of both banks of the Dniester River respect the existing format of peacekeeping,” thus the so-called “popular unrest” is only possible as well-rehearsed provocations by the Moldovan authorities.

In this regard, Oleg Belyakov, the JCC Co-Chairperson from Pridnestrovie, proposed taking measures to prevent the escalation of tension in the Security Zone.

“Mr. Belyakov`s statement is a very good and extremely timely. All international participants drew attention to this situation, primarily Russia, the OSCE, American and European partners, as well as Ukraine and Romania,” the PMR Foreign Minister Vitaly Ignatiev commented.

He emphasized that there were no residents indignant about the peacekeepers, and that that were some advisers to the Moldovan President and the Moldovan intelligence services behind a possible provocation.

The PMR Foreign Minister assured that Pridnestrovie along with Russia “were ready to take all necessary measures to protect the peacekeeping operation, the posts and the peacekeepers themselves”.

“We warned Chisinau publicly, at various levels, against any provocations in the Security Zone. Neither Moldovan elections, no ratings can justify the inappropriate actions of Chisinau - this is obvious. And by the way, this is also obvious for international participants who also do not support


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